Note: Download files do not contain the preview images shown in the demo Credits Slider Revolution Flexslider — A mobile friendly jquery slider from Woothemes gMap — jQuery plugin used to render and plot address on embedded google maps. Mixitup — jQuery filtering plugin used on portfolio page Responsive Nav — jQuery plugin used to render and plot address on embedded google maps. Bootstrap v3.0.0 — The new flat version of the popular bootstrap framework. Font Awesome — Scalable vector icons for bootstrap. Owl Carousel Unsplash for images.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Nice template! Would it be easy to make the homepage image fit the entire browser window and make a paralax effect?

Review Left On 05/24/2022
Hi ! A simple question : How can I add a div before the header with the elements of the page going down accordingly ? It seems I have to check every item in the css to offset the new top position.

Review Left On 07/29/2022
Hi! Nice template! =)
I have a question. How can I put my address on the Map? I didn’t see anything on documentation. Thank you!
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