Oswald is a fully responsive theme, perfect for creating your own portfolio.It’s based on Bootstrap 3.1.1 2 Versions Slider Background Video Background List of Features: HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Bootstrap 3.0 6 Color Skins Fully Responsive Ajax Contact Form 369 Font Awesome Icons Google Font Filterable Portfolio Documentation Credits: animate.css bootstrap.css font-awesome.css bootstrap.js flexslider.js jquery.appear.js jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js jquery.mixitup.min.js jquery.nav.js jquery.validation.min.js smoothscroll.js Updates Version 1.1 – September 6, 2014: Updated About section.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I just purchased your theme, but there seems to be an issue when downloading the file still (the same issue as the people who commented before me).
The downloaded file has become an iDVD file with no way to change it/open in. I would love to know how to fix this!

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Ciao Gazen,
immagino tu sia italiano, complimenti per il sito è davvero bello!
Volevo chiederti una cosa se possibile, ho inserito la mia mail corretta nel contact.php, ho fatto diverse prove compilando tutti i campi nel form, faccio invia, mi dice che il messaggio è stata inviato, ma non ricevo assolutamente nessun messaggio nulla nella mail che ho inserito nel contact.php, da cosa può dipendere questo?
Ti ringrazio in anticipo.

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi, I would like to know what kind of documentation is provided with the theme and is this theme Retina Ready. Kindly reply.
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Review Left On 04/20/2022
I bought this product but I am having a problem . I’ve got one file . Theme format . Was there a problem with the download or there is another way to open the file . so can you help me please
thank you

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Oltre alla mail hai modificato qualche altra riga nel file contact.php? Se riesci ad incollare il contenuto del file qui http://pastebin.com/ ed inviarmelo, posso analizzarlo meglio.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Theme not working!
When unzipped I get on folder with two subfolders:
> themeforest-7053847-oswald-creative-portfolio-template
>> documentation
>> template
Template folder contains severall subfolders, one php-file (contacts) and twho html-files (video and index).
When installed in Wordpress, I get “theme is broken, missing template file and css.)
What’s wrong?

Review Left On 06/08/2022
Amazing template…just purchased and having great fun with it….really great work.
Just one question, could the portfolio gallery popup support video…i.e vimeo or youtube?

Review Left On 06/26/2022
Hi. I am also having the issue with the download. I made the purchase and clicked to download, and what it gave me was one file (Oswald.Creative.Portfolio.Theme) that is an iDVD Theme…not the HTML and PHP (etc.) files that are stated in the “files included” portion of the description. Please help.

Review Left On 07/01/2022
Hi, amazing website !
Question : how i can insert recaptcha library validation in your contact.php for spam ?
Thx a lot !

Review Left On 07/17/2022
Hi. I received all the files, however I am having an issue getting the video file along with the contact to work. Could you assist me with this please?

Review Left On 08/01/2022
We purchased this template and installed it but find that it is not working at all – the menus do not work, the flexslider does not come with it (nor can it be found in the plugins)... there is no documentation (even though it says “well documented”). This has been very frustrating.

Review Left On 09/06/2022
Hi, Great theme, I want to have images to display larger than the 850×530 is there way to do this in css ?