BBOOTS - HTML5/CSS3 Fully Responsive phpBB 3.2 Theme
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BBOOTS BBOOTS? Is The First And Only Fully Responsive phpBB® Unofficial HTML5/CSS3 Theme Built Entirely from the GROUND-UP. It?s Clean And Crisp Design Looks AWESOME Across All Browsers And Devices. Based on Bootstrap Framework is sure to AMAZE the phpBB Fan Club What is BOOTSTRAP exactly? Bootstrap is ‘mobile-first’ front end framework developed by a couple of engineers at Twitter (hence the name), it was originally designed to help provide some consistency across tools the guys were building internally. Since its first public (open source) release in 2011 (see the blog post here) it has found huge popularity among web developers for its ease of use and feature set, and in 2012 was the most popular project on GitHub. t... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hello There. I am web developer and I am interesting in builiding a forum. So I want to ask you something. If i buy this theme, is any administrator panel in php available?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Is it possible to add Google Adsense in theme? Is it easy to add it? Is this wordpress website?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
I like your theme but I must admit I am even more interested in your extensions such as BBchat and most importantly bbgdpr which is required by law. Question I have is if I purchase this theme and get access to your website sitesplat what are the prices of the extensions? and do they work with other themes outside your themes? the ones I just mention anyway. I can’t access to even get a good look at the extensions or see if anyone is having any problems with them.
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Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hi Robbie,
thanks for reaching out!
Im going to start from the end notes
NOTE, and I repeat, NOTE, The addons are not needed for the theme. When you purchase the theme, you purchase a perfectly custom crafted and working premium theme. The addons are exactly what it sounds like, addons
Custom work, addons etc have nothing todo with Envato. These are NOT covered by any extended support you might purchase from Envato. Custom work is exactly what is, Custom work. it’s paid work professional work and the client deals directly with me, Dave
I offer many free premium addons for the clients, tailored specifically for my themes. There are also paid premium addons which I offer as a freelance work (beside all the custom work I currently do on a daily basis with phpBB and WordPress and other more modern platforms and technologies. ) –
This is standard on Envato market and professional authors will offer freelance work, (custom work) on their products and also third parties products.
The dedicated support forum is for buyers who owns a premium theme and therefore a purchase code. This is why you don’t have access there. its a private support forum. Not open to the public for many reasons.
With that clarified and out of the way,
This is a professional development and given the fact I’ve been working on special development like this one for several years, there are in facts tons of premium addons I produced as freelance in all these time.
I then decided to make this ecosystem available to all my clients as the requests kept growing and growing.
You can see some of the professional premium development here:
The one posted in those links are not all and not all the latest ones. There are so many products!
This is a professional development has been going since 2012
Tons of stuff has been built and maintained since then.
Posting them all would spoil the fun for new people to discover them!
Beside the free premium and the paid premium there are also the FREE extensions that come from or other talented developers I work with and I make them available on
Like I said, its a whole ecosystem made of great professional products developed throughout the years, (free and paid products) and above all a great dedicated community with tons of Admins like you who help each others out.
Tons of tutorials too and many useful info to stay in the known
I build tons of things as a freelance as I mentioned earlier on. This is 90% of what I do as Web Architect.
If you have any questions please get in touch via email so we can communicate better than comments here

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Does this theme expand to cover the entire screen or does it always have the grey boxes on both sides of the forum? also, is it the same for your other theme, Flatboots

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Looks like a great theme. Unfortunately i cannot leave it a great review because i am having issues installing it and have reached out to support for weeks now with no response. Guess ill move on….

Review Left On 06/29/2022
**Five stars from us*
This developer is reliable, I found they`ve made this fantastic and easy to use template.
Support is Awesome and Fast…Template Coding also Easy to understand….
All files are well organized and easy to follow
Dave, Best of Luck to you and your team @SitePlat.
Certainly, its a Great Template and Great Designers behind siteplat, I would recommend it.

Review Left On 09/27/2022
Bonjour j’ai une question préachat ce thème est il compatible avec les extensions cBB Chat et Quick Title Edition ? qui me sont indispensables pour mon forum