ME-Responsive Personal Resume & Portfolio Template
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ME is responsive one page template designed on Bootstrap v3 Front End Framework.It is designed for specially designers ,developers \u0026amp; freelancer to show their works and also it is flexible and easy to customize and to extend. You can even modify it to be used as creative, business or portfolio site for your company. Features Built on Bootstrap 3 HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 HTML5 Valid Code Fully Responsive \u0026amp; Optimized for Smartphones and Tablets Resume Timeline ISOTOPE PREMIUM PORTFOLIO plugin (USD 25 Value) Ajax portfolio details Animated skills bar 10 color skin Price Table Parallax Sections 2 Navigation style Twitter Feed Jquery Google map with marker Working PHP Ajax Contact Form 800+ Font icons Add links to your social networks Goog... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
The portfolio section does not appear to be working as per the demo version. When I click the thumbnails nothing happens.
Please advise.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Have installed both versions of this after being persuaded to buy the wordpress version by a team member in house, but both versions are missing css stylesheet.

Review Left On 04/16/2022
The portfolio section does not appear to be working as per the demo version. When I click the thumbnails nothing happens.
Please advise.
Regards, Kezia
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Review Left On 04/16/2022
First, thanks for the theme. It’s absolutely stunning. For me it works fine on Mac Browsers and also Windows Edge. However, it seems that the styles have not been tested thoroughly on Windows-Chrome, because I read some comments and in my case some things do not work. Examples: Font type of the first line representing name. Als the Bubbling pre-loader stays in limbo. Also the sticky menu after scrolling does not stick. As i said, all fine in other browsers, but not on Chrome for Windows. How come? my URL: Have a nice day!

Review Left On 04/19/2022
The portfolio section does not appear to be working as per the demo version. When I click the thumbnails nothing happens.
Please advise.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi, I am having problem with the colors, it seems that there are no colors, everything is black. THe hover is not colored anymore. What do you think is happened?
Thank you

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hello again,
my personal website looks great with this template. But there are some problems with the responsive design of the timeline section on my iphone 6 (iOS8, browser: safari) and iphone 5 (iOS7, browser: safari) for example:
The small arrows point to the left side instead to the top
The font-size is too big and doesn’t fit in the timeline boxes
The boxes are collapsed per default on this screen resolution. But instead of an “plus” to collapse the box with a tap there is a “minus” per default. So you have to double tap this button to collapse the box
Could you please fix these bugs?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards

Review Left On 05/27/2022
Hello !
I have a problem with the “cross” inside the portfolio section. The cross to close the project (above the project title) is not centered.
Also, I would like to know if it is possible to add a slider on the home page ? Is there a code or something I can add to the current theme ?
Thanks a lot !