Youtube profile Website Features 1170 Grid system Used Fully Customizable layerd PSD files Font Awesome Icons used Google Web Font Used 9 PSD file 01_Home_Page 02_Single_Video_Page 03_Giveaway_Page 04_Store_Page 05_Team_Page 06_Ask_Question_Page 07_Blog_Page 08_Blog_Inside_Page 09_Contact_Us_Page Fonts Used Font Awesome Proxima Nova Credits Youtube Player GUI Social Media Sharing Buttons Images in the preview file are not included in the main download. Please Rate \u0026amp; Share this item if you like it... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hi! Can this video: be integrated with your theme ?

Review Left On 09/16/2022
Purchased and tried to install I get the following error message: The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
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