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Octavius - Responsive One Page Template

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Updates: v1.2.1 – Portfolio Bug Fixed v1.2 – Home Fullscreen Video Version v1.1 – Home Fullscreen Slideshow Version Octavius Great Features: Fullscreen Slideshow Fullscreen Video Fully Responsive Layout Masonry Isotope Gallery With Colorbox Clients Gallery With Fancybox ( Youtube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Twitvid, Twitpic, Instagram… ) Fully Working AJAX/PHP Contact Form Parallax Effects Single Page, Creative Design Built With HTML5 and CSS3 Google Web Fonts Easy Setup Cross-Browser Valid HTML5 Code Custom Marker On Styled Map Unique Effects CSS3 Animation Includes Entire Font Awesome 3.0 Icon Set Excellent Customer Support – We care about your site as much as you and will help in anyway possible and many more… If you download it... READ MORE
Review Left On 04/17/2022
Estimated IG-Design, I hope you still wanna be success, this template has actually some distinct design, but support is crucial. I’m also related to Menu BUG. Tested on Chrome and Safari on October 18th, 2013 (Latest releases), here we go: 1- Restore navigator size to enter mobile menu | 2- Scroll down – Our beloved Clients (I hope so!) | 3- Click | 4- Result: Menu opens itself as if it where been clicked. | I tested a bit more and it happens whenever your action cause a roundtrip. Hope my details help you reproduce and solve this BUG asap so other folks continue buying, enjoying.. Kind Regards.
Review Left On 04/18/2022
Brindell Purpura
to add to my previous post, I am using the video background template and does not work well on IE8 without Google Frame and although Google frame is installed, it is install it does not launch it automatically when you run the template on your own. It would of been nice to document how you force Google Chrome to work, otherwise we have feeling that we wasted money on something tagged as IE8 compatible while it is not. Looking forward for your support.
Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi Ivan. I’ve just purchased your Octavius template and it still got the same flaws in it as the demo version. Portfolio isn’t fullscreen on my 1366×768 display and the collapsed menu still opens when I click somewhere in the window on a small display You assured me that these bugs are fixed. Is there another download available or how do I get these 2 issues fixed? Thanks in advance, Cheng
Review Left On 04/26/2022
Images of Parallax mounted or overlapping when reducing screen resolution: When you enter mobile layout, the images of Parallax instead of reducing or just centered it distort them, making images appear in two parts upper and lover section of image split, even in live demo: http://ivang-design.com/octavius/slider/ We would appreciate you to answer asap. Tested on Chrome and Safari, latest released: October 22nd, 2013. Regards..
Review Left On 04/28/2022
sorry, I am a new user of wordpress, ive found very nice ur theme and i purchased id and try to install, but uploading it on my wordpress, ive read this message: “Il pacchetto non può essere installato. Il tema manca del foglio di stile style.css.” it means: “could be not installed because the package miss of the stylesheet style.css.” please what should I do to solve this problem? help me thanks!
Review Left On 07/01/2022
Crabb Faranda
Ivan, Hope all is well. Would you please provide our Studio an update about the “Menu Collapsing”. We appreciate your work – but we do need some help here. The glitch is 4 months old. Thank you!!! Regards, M.
Review Left On 08/27/2022
Gabriella Mehrhoff
Thank you for the following update: “v1.2.1 – Portfolio Bug Fixed” Once you have a moment, let us know about the “past due” updates bellow: - TWITTER API: Well, we (team of developers), were looking for an explanation about the Twitter feed. Interesting indeed. The theme has a twitter feed, correct? You know, the new API from twitter and all. Otherwise, please let us know. Maybe, just maybe – we were expecting to find the “Consumer Key” field, the “Consumer Secret” field, the “Access Token” field or the “Access Token Secret” field. Perhaps a working form of the template.js, that could self explain itself in how the “Twitter Feed” really works. Well, the following is what we found under the index.html as we all know what is under the template.js: Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands. Jan 7, 2013 Would you please let us know how the new “Twitter API Version 1.1” is going to work with the tag above? In other words, how the “template.js” will show the “Twitter Feeds” from our Studio utilizing the current code? Still, we can’t understand your creative intention(s). Let’s us know once you have a moment. We are very curious about this one. - MENU – MOBILE/TABLETS: “4 MONTHS AGO” you responded to a client: ”...The mobile menu is collapsing now, you can see on demo, update will be in day or max. two.” We would like to inform you that the “Menu” still collapsing. We sent you a few emails about the issue, “a few bunch of emails”. The Live preview/”DEMO” – has the glitch, still. Can you believe it? Let’s do this, please – if you can: - Open the Live Preview/go to Team/click the Team Picture (any)... WOW, IT’S COLLAPSING!!! Can you see that? We hope so… If you click the Menu link directly – is not responding. The Menu only works when you touch the screen = touch to open and touch to close (again, please see the “DEMO” as a perfect example of this extraordinary glitch, growing stronger after months of use). With all that said, thank you for your time and please send us a reply, here! As always, thank you for your support and timne in regarding of this matter! Our very best regards, M./Team
Review Left On 08/30/2022
Corsetti Vizzini
Greetings! Hope all is well. Our Studio purchased “Octavius” a few weeks ago and we found some glitches in need of your attention: - Mobile: Landscape Mode or Portrait Mode: “ALL PAGES” = Menu collapsing; - Mobile: Landscape Mode: “HOME PAGE” = everything is collapsing, images and content. - IE10/IE9 you don’t see all the CSS effects like in Mozilla. For example, the “ CURSOR ” disappear. We have no idea about IE8 and/or earlier versions, but we all know quite well how IE works. It will be a problem, guaranteed. - TWITTER feed/Version 1.1 We don’t want to play around with the theme’s code. We assume that a quick fix on your end would help “us” and “future buyers”. Some of your buyers are having the same issue(s) based upon the comments. Also, we contacted you 3 times about the glitches, without receiving a reply from you. The theme is outstanding and we truly recognize your hard work. Please, help our Studio recognize your support as well. Thank you for all of your time and help in regarding of this matter. Regards, M.
Review Left On 09/21/2022
Hi there, thanks for the lovely work… i purchased the template. to minimize load of work i was wondering if there is a way to integrate my behance portfolio into the site. many thanks,

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