Shopzone Template is a great store specialize in selling organic products such as cosmetic, food, nutritional food, nutritional drinks. Shopzone is the beautiful and fully responsive template. We have included 4 defined layouts for home page to give you best selections in customization. You can mix between all home page layouts to get a different layout for your own website. Home page is designed eye-catching with large slideshow above and below Mega Menu. Slideshow is great with smooth transitions of texts and nice images. Main features: Valid HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Neat, clean and simple design Creative and Modern Flat Design Shortcode Ready Total 19+ HTML Pages Amazing Megamenu Built Based on Bootstrap v3... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
hello author, have a few bugs with this template, please help
1. If you check my website, some images are expanded and also the fade in option to view, add to cart, like or comment is not optimized for a col-md-3 and below
help me tackle this first, thank you

Review Left On 06/15/2022
I’d like to build Shopify version of this template if it’s possible?
Thank you!
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