Theme Builder Regarding the frequent question where to find the full version of our themebuilder here’s a quick explanation: In the download you?ll see a folder called ?Themebuilder? open it and click on the link to get access to the full unlocked themebuilder. Note: The Themebuilder files aren’t included, you?ll get a link which you?ll give access to use our Themebuilder. Update request? We are people who love to improve their work, please give us some feedback if you have a great idea to improve this theme with an update (ie. a certain element you miss), it?ll be great to hear from you! Version 1.0: June 11, 2014: - Template release Features A link to our ThemeBuilder Export to desktop Change background image / patterns Drag \u0026... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Would really love to buy a customized version of this template, as we have a few specific needs and don’t want to break the HTML. Can you suggest how we may be able to work with you on that?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
I’ve encountered display issues in both, Outlook 2010 and Hotmail. The template does not display correctly in any.
Any ideas on how to fix this?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Great design, every single item that you build is top notch! Rated 5 stars. Will definitely recommend you to everybody else.
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Review Left On 06/07/2022
Hi, why does Dreamweaver highlight most of these tags as invalid code.
and lots of invalid ??
Where do we go for support, as we wish to use this template and have the errors fixed.
Many thanks.