Leo Cosmetics - PrestaShop 1.7 Theme for Cosmetic Store & Beauty Spa
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Leo Cosmetics – Organic Food Prestashop Theme Leo Cosmetics PrestaShop Theme – Clear eCommerce Prestashop Theme is developed by Leotheme Team for Cosmetics Shop, Beauty Store, Nature Stores, Jewelry shop, Fashion Shop … Latest Version – April 17th, 2021 Changelog PrestaShop 1.7.x Ready Powerful Leotheme Framework 4.0 with PrestaShop Modules Integrated Leo Cosmetics is suitable for any eCommerce sites about cosmetics and beauty equipment. This layout is clean and smart with many effects when hover. Template design accentuates the refined style of goods sold. This template is fully functioned... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Dear sir! did you check it with default prestashop. because i think that is problem of prestashop, could you please tell me your prestashop version

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi! Great design. I need to know, how I can put a search bar in the top menu, and how I can change the font of the top menu?

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi, I have successfully updated my prestashop to 1.7.6 and also added the contents of dependencies/modules from your script to public_html/dependencies
But it didn’t fix a major bug.
When you try to CHECK OUT as GUEST from the website (www.jobellaine.com) the website returns an Error 500 message. It says that ” www.jobellaine.com cannot hand request at this time”.
I researched and saw a github solution which says that the “Function create_function() is deprecated in php7.2” and then I changed the codes as shown here – https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/13015
Please kindly assist to fix the bug and also help me confirm if the upgrade to 1.7.6 is perfect.
And finally, some countries are not able to find their address when registering on the website and paypal payment seem not to be going through.
Please kindly help as soon as possible.
Thank you.
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Review Left On 04/17/2022
I have a staff of Leo Cosmetic (fitnutricion.com) and I’m having trouble, When we introduce combinations of products, prices do not appear correctly. The price is different combinations and what s emuestra is the price of one, unchanged.
The bottle costs € 3,25 140ml
The box drinks 12 bottles of 140ml € 38.90
However in ONLY wen price € 38.90 without changing state when I select a unit appears.
It may be that the file product.tpl this not acting properly.
I’ve attached screenshots, with pricing error that only happens in the data sheet in the shopping cart and the preview out correctly.
You can tell me why it happens?
the price when you switch combination is not price changes, only changes when you add to cart.
example, this product.

Review Left On 04/17/2022
I kept getting the error message when customer create new profile on the websites from jobellaine.com so I decided to activate the Debug mode and this is what I saw. ...
What do be the solution.
in Mail.php line 901
at MailCore::toPunycode(‘[email protected]‘)in Mail.php line 323
at MailCore::send(1, ‘account’, ‘Welcome!’, array(‘{firstname}’ => ‘Zion’, ‘{lastname}’ => ‘Awuzie’, ‘{email}’ => ‘[email protected]‘), ‘[email protected]’, ‘Zion Awuzie’)in CustomerPersister.php line 229
at CustomerPersisterCore->sendConfirmationMail(object(Customer))in CustomerPersister.php line 200
at CustomerPersisterCore->create(object(Customer), ‘gemsbok’)in CustomerPersister.php line 59
at CustomerPersisterCore->save(object(Customer), ‘gemsbok’, null, true)in CustomerForm.php line 196
at CustomerFormCore->submit()in CheckoutPersonalInformationStep.php line 62
at CheckoutPersonalInformationStepCore->handleRequest(array(‘id_customer’ => ’’, ‘id_gender’ => ‘1’, ‘firstname’ => ‘Zion’, ‘lastname’ => ‘Awuzie’, ‘email’ => ‘[email protected]’, ‘password’ => ‘gemsbok’, ‘birthday’ => ‘02/13/1980’, ‘submitCreate’ => ‘1’, ‘continue’ => ‘1’, ‘controller’ => ‘order’))in CheckoutProcess.php line 59
at CheckoutProcessCore->handleRequest(array(‘id_customer’ => ’’, ‘id_gender’ => ‘1’, ‘firstname’ => ‘Zion’, ‘lastname’ => ‘Awuzie’, ‘email’ => ‘[email protected]’, ‘password’ => ‘gemsbok’, ‘birthday’ => ‘02/13/1980’, ‘submitCreate’ => ‘1’, ‘continue’ => ‘1’, ‘controller’ => ‘order’))in OrderController.php line 264
at OrderControllerCore->initContent()in Controller.php line 292
at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 515
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hi, can I know please where is located file to change size and name of logo ‘leo-cosmetics-1399345412.png’? Thank you

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi, i activate differents languages and url for each language in Widget are not functionnal. There is the same url for all language. I think to change in databse but content is crypted. When can i do ?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I’ve this problem in category view products. In the first line i have 3 products, in the second line i’ve only one product on the right column, and in the third line two products, one in the first column and one on second column. Please help me

Review Left On 05/26/2022
I’ve purchased your theme yesterday. Great but some problems (small). I’ve send you an email. Thanks you.

Review Left On 05/30/2022
hello, a pre-sale queston.
Your theme looks like great but… I can’t see single product pages… both with firefox and chrome.
Do you have another preview link?

Review Left On 06/05/2022
Hello, i want to buy the template, it’s a great job. but first i need to see it in another color, so i’m trying to change it on the demo site but no way to do it. how can i see it ?
Thank you

Review Left On 06/13/2022
We purchased this template couple of months back.
Everything is working fine.
But we have issue with messaging.
1) We do not receive visitors’ message from Contact form
2) Order confirmation mail is not working
How do we fix it?
Site : adesseny.com/

Review Left On 06/25/2022
hola, tengo un desastre con el LEOSLIDER no hay manera de que cambien los contenidos… los cambio y no se activan nunca.. que ocurre?

Review Left On 08/02/2022
Hello, I have installed version 1.6.11 and I would like to install this theme. It’s compatible? Thanks for your help.

Review Left On 08/04/2022
Hello. Where can I modify the text in the footer about newsletter?. I cant find it. Thank you.

Review Left On 09/06/2022
I have just set up your theme (leo_cosmetics version 1.0) on a prestashop installation version
However when i go to the Leo Manage widgets section and edit one of the widgets and click save it wipes all of the data from the editor.

Review Left On 09/10/2022
hello, I have problems, for example every time I modify something I need to empty the cache if not the modification does not display and another problem the slide images do not display