Weiss template is a multipurpose Joomla template with clean and modern design. This means it will be one suiting all needs: Blog, Events, Business, Company website, Personal website… Need supports? * Support Forum http://www.templaza.com/Forum When being our member, you have access to our forum where you can post your problem and get support to solve it. * Support Desk System http://www.templaza.com/tz_membership/envato_customer.html It includes two supporting systems: the Ticket system, by submitting a ticket about your problem to us, member will receive answer to the problem. It is also fast and easy to check whether your problem has been solved and how it is fixed. The second worth-mentioning supporting system is FAQ... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I’m getting SqueezeBox.initialize not a function when attempting to update the Unite Revolution Slider

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi, first of all nice style and template but i also have some problems! Main problem at the moment is the same as diversity_group had with the Revolution Slider – it´s not possible to make any changes. Maybe also a template update would help!? Version 1.1

Review Left On 04/21/2022
hi there, can the one-page-functionality also be a regular one through an easy setting w/o hard tweaks?
GoodDay - Multi-Purpose Responsive WordPress Theme
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Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi Weiss Team,
Does your team support with below issues:
1. Product list,
1) add wish & compare button on product image,
2) the present image frame size is rectagle, I want to fixed frame size to suqare, and i can force my product image to the size.
2. Product page,
1) The default product display image frame is too large for me, can change it to smaller size?
2) How to add small child image just below big display image?
3) move description column to below product display image and product info .
it means, product display image and product information are in same line,
below this line is “description, review…”

Review Left On 05/15/2022
Regards. Where I can find technical support for Weiss template? I bought this template 2 days ago and I have a problem when I change the home page to the Blog presentation. I do not see the items (news). I also removed the language handler. I do not need.
love the template but can not find good documentation yet.

Review Left On 05/18/2022
I bought template but I have many problems. When I want to change template options in template manager, nothing work and all content of articles disappears when I save modifications. An other problem is with the component Unite Revolution Slider 2. Impossible to make some changes.
Thanks for your help

Review Left On 06/28/2022
Swipe down on portfolio items still do not work in the latest version. Any idea when this will be fixed??