Template feature Lead-gen and Click-through Desktop and mobile version Cover Style page Fix header, edit able default form value Unique layout style Advanced lossy compression for all PNG images(reduce png file size -70%) Package included 4 .unbounce file 2 desktop file and 2 mobile version file (both lead-gen and click-through). 4 Photoshop file for each unbounce design. all layer are names and organize with color label. Documentation include how to import to your Unbounce account. Please note : This item is not a html template, an Unbounce file need to use with Unbounce service only. Changelog 26/08/2014 V 1.2 Add some Cool bouncing effect. 15/07/2014 V 1.1 Fix header background image in FireFox and IE... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Can I add more elements into this template and use elements from Lead Gen in Click through template?

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Already bought this and love it! My only issue is the background image. It blows up and fills in the screen perfectly in Chrome but not in Firefox or Explorer. In those browsers the image just ends so you’ve got white space on either side. Your Live Preview here of the non-mobile versions is doing it too. Any fix for that?
Like I said I LOVE this, very slick. Looks great. I’d also love to see that background image looking great across all browsers though. Can you help me do that?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
I noticed that this template hasn’t been updated in 2 years. Does it work with the most recent version of Unbounce? Is it responsive?
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