Description Learn Theme – One Page Landing Page Template, is the best theme for School, University, College or even your business, it will give you the best experience,with a lot of beautiful effects, easy to customize it and Compatible on every device and any browser. Highly recommend for school, university or college website. Features Fully Responsive Design Retina Ready Logind and Register Working forms Unlimited Color Options Valid HTML Clean coded and well documented SEO Optimized Responsive Pricing Table Illustrations Cross Browser compatible Google Fonts jQuery powered All Templates PSD’s included! Updates v2.0 – 15 July 15 - Bootstrap grid updated... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hello @mrajoiner, it’s very easy. Once you purchase Learn – Education Classes Landing Page will have exclusive access to documentation and support for buyers in our forum. Change images, text, colors or remove sections, it’s really easy Thanks for asking

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hello few days ago bought the template learn education and I can not register on the website of the support forums, I have the Marketplace Username and Purchase Code, I need help.:
I have a problem with the script suscribe.php, price.php and newsletter.php, these do not work, because my mail service is in google apps, and my hosting dreamhost.
My page have a contact form in the menu “Subscribe” in this form visitors write Their Their data and send me information. I receive information in my email esta [email protected], but When the visitor in the field “email” writes With the domain email @ These messages do not arrive to my email not giving me notice That some have subscribed.
Dreamhost support responded to me:
“Thanks for contacting us. Because the email for the domain
Being is hosted at Google you will need to use
the GMail SMTP servers to be reliable to send mail out from your scripts.
This is due to our mail policy listed on the page below:
Using our mail servers to send mail from your scripts will not work When
your domain is using Gmail for email servers. You will need to use SMTP
settings listed below for your s
Gmail SMTP server address:
Gmail SMTP user name: Your full Gmail email address hosted (eg
[email protected])
Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password
Gmail SMTP port: 465
Gmail SMTP TLS / SSL required: yes
Check the documentation, but I did not find how to change these scripts to occupy gmail servers for sending emails.
I’m not a very skilled in php, please your help to solve this problem.
Thank You So Much.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
The live preview opens in a strange way on my iPad / iPhone. How can I test the responsiveness of the template on mobile devices? Am I missing something?
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Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hello, I try to install archive with theme but wordpress says that it havent css files
what can i do?

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Awesome landing page! I’m trying to figure out the licensing. If I used the landing page to promote my course and to send people to another system to register for my course – that’s a Regular License, right? My course is delivered in an entirely different system and the landing page has nothing to do with the course other than promoting it. I won’t be selling or doing anything with the landing page other than hosting it on a single domain as a single page with details about the course – all freely open and accessible to anyone on the web who visits it. I want to make sure I’m on the right side of your licensing before purchasing. Thanks!

Review Left On 05/03/2022
i really like this theme but i’m only familiar with wordpress.
how would i make changes etc?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
is using booststrap save from hackers? i mean if i use this template as it is as a website will be secured or easily be hacked?
do i have to convert it to other versions?? or use it as it is?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I want to buy this item (regular licence), but can’t do that:
- I’ve tried 3 credit cards
- I’ve tried my PayPal account
When paying by credit card it it is written ‘some data is missing’, when paying by PayPal it is recommended to add money to my Envanto Account.
What should I do? How should I pay?
I am from Russia. Is that a problem?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I added a new field to the subscribe form (phone) which file do I need to edit now to get this information cleared after the submit button is clicked?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Dear author,
We’ve got a problem while using your template: when we click on any of the rubrics on the front page it doesn’t bring us to the middle of the target page, but shifts somehow, omitting part of the heading.
Could you be so kind as to help us with the problem.

Review Left On 05/13/2022
Hello everyone!
We are extremely happy that we can present you a great product and provide excellent technical support for all of our customers.
If you have any pre-sales questions, please, post them here in the item comments so our team can answer them promptly.
If you have already made a purchase of Learn – Education Classes Landing Page and have any questions or problems please do benefited from our Support Center. We’ll try to answer all of your questions as soon as possible
CoralixThemes Team

Review Left On 05/17/2022
this is my website: , contact form not working !! what should i do? where is the problem?