Important note: This is the HTML version of Frost. Please make sure you need the HTML version before purchasing. We can’t be held responsible for wrong purchases, we won’t be providing any refunds for purchases by mistake. Frost – Multipurpose Responsive One Page HTML5 Frost is an awesome looking onepage and multipage HTML5 Template with unique portfolio which is suitable for artists, photographers, creative agencies, digital studios, personal freelancers, and any kind of business owners that would like to showcase their portfolio beautifully. Frost was built with awesome Twitter Bootstrap v3 and it features 20 cool HTML5 pages with 7 color options. Since it is responsive, the layout will adapt to different screen sizes which wil... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hello Elemis,
Please a friend purchased this theme for me, but from his envato account though.
I am currently editing the website, but I have a little problem with the homepage slider full screen, someone asked similar question here on the platform and you suggested they change full screen “on” to “off” from the style/script.js. I tried that and still nothing changed on the website….. Please was there something else one was supposed to do after changing the full screen to “off” or what could be causing not to have effect.
Please I would really appreciate your response on this…... Thanks

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I recieved a Mail from Evanto that there is Update available.
How do i proceed with this? I downloaded the only ZIP I could see, but it seems the whole package – is only the original Set updated (e.g. i start with a new project) or can i somehow ‘overwrite’ certain files? Is there a file which names the exact updates?
I have already a site running with the frost theme and would like to update it when possible – but dont want to overwrite my individual changes…

Review Left On 04/18/2022
The form in Frost already has a kind of captcha which is called Honeypot Capthca (invisible captcha). The form includes an invisible field which must be left empty. Visitors can’t see this field since it is invisible but spambots do and they fill it as they fill all other fields. And if this invisible field is filled, the message doesn’t get through.
Unfortunately adding another form of captcha is not in our plans.
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Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hello – I bought the template a few weeks ago and am currently working on it offline. There is an issue with the portfolio item links. The extension /index.html#portfolio-post.html does not work on Chrome, Opera and Safari, but works in Firefox. If I remove index.html# from the extension, then the portfolio page shows up fine on all the browsers. Is there a way to fix this? Or this would not be a problem once the site goes live? Thank you.

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hello, the map don´t work since a few days. How can I set the Google Map API? The map in your example looks ok. What can I do? (Sorry, I was wrong. It was for the Wordpress-version. I´ll ask you there.)

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi, great theme! My client loves it, but she is having trouble with lots of Spam through the contact form. Do you guys have some spam protection… Captcha maybe? Thank you!

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi, do you have the js files required for the project in a single file? I am doing some performance tests, and it will help to reduce the number of http requests.
Thank you.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I am interested to purchase this template and have few questions if you don’t mind.
1. Can I change the order of elements in one page? For example “about” want to load first after home, and portfolio the last element in the page. Is it easy or do I need to know codes?
2. Can I make the slideshow image that loads in home smaller. It is too big in height and I want to make the height a little smaller. Do I have this option or should I edit the code?
3. Can I delete an element? For example I don’t need the pricing. If I want to delete it should I manual edit both the horizontal menu from the top and the page itself?
4. Is it possible to have the grid portfolio to open with lightbox?

Review Left On 05/16/2022
Hello. A problem appears in Firefox with budicons.css only for pages in a subfolder:
Bidicons.css works well on Firefox with other pages (which are not in a subfolder) and on other browsers.
I can not find the solution … Anyone? Thank you.

Review Left On 06/12/2022
Hello there, is there a way to adjust the height of the sliders (I prefer the slider to be half page or so, as opposed to it being full page) and parallax images?

Review Left On 06/14/2022
Hi, I’ve been using your theme for more than 3 years, worpress requires upgrading to a PHP 5.6 version, the theme is compatible?

Review Left On 06/22/2022
Hello! I really like this theme and it has, so far, proven to be easy to use. There is one that I can’t figure out. I would like to completely remove the revolution slider. When I tried deleting “ ” from the Source Code file, the navigation links disappeared and the grey bar became very narrow. Could you please tell me how to remove the revolution slider without disturbing the navbar? Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 07/07/2022
I really like the theme however i would like to remove the revolution slider. and in portfolio i would like image displayed rather then blog. if you could assist me, i would like purchase the theme. thank you

Review Left On 07/19/2022
Just to point out that this one page html template isn’t search engine friendly. I’ve done a load of work using this template and now realise that the portfolio pages don’t seem to be registering in search engines. It only sees the home page. Which is a real pain. The first H1 is way down the page too.

Review Left On 07/28/2022
when i click one of the portfolio thumbnail, no contents are shown. The page is shown blank. Anyway to rectify it?

Review Left On 08/21/2022
regarding the portfolio, is it possible to remove the “all” portfolio value, to not display it at all? I would like to have the categories but without the “all” value.

Review Left On 09/07/2022
I have one problem, when i try to send a mail with the contact form and nothing happens.
I have followed your instruction …
Could you help me ?
Best regards

Review Left On 09/27/2022
There is a problem about anchors in Chrome. When i click main titles it does not scroll to any section.