Mokka is a responsive, minimalist, flexible and modern WordPress Blog. From a clean white color scheme (with a accent color of choice) \u0026amp; multiple page layouts which all remain sophisticated and simple. Everything definitely brings a certain elegance. Features: Mega Menu You can arrange the Mega Drop Down menu with post and links Responsive Layout: Now know that visitors to your site will have the best experience without any importance of witch device they’re using SEO Optimized: Start with SEO in the right direction. unPress is designed to be appetizing to search eng ines and have a good ranking. Contact Form 7 Support: Manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with s... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi – Your support section is not recognizing my purchase. Can I have the custom code to disable the fade-in color of the post pictures in the home page and from the slider? Thank you!

Review Left On 04/14/2022
It appears that your support site is not accepting product codes and thus I cannot submit a ticket for an issue I am having with popup forms on Mokka. I sent a note on a prior ticket I submitted (#1041164) that appears to still be open explaining the problem that I am having – namely that the Mokka theme is inserting a link tag ahead of the code for the popup that results in a broken link (404) anytime you click on the popup to fill out the form.
Thanks in advance for helping to fix this issue.

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi! I’d like to buy your theme “Mokka”, and I want to know if it will be possible to change the font of the blog’s text.
Thank you so much, Futura
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Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hi, Thank you for creating wonderful theme, I’d like to know how to set 03 categories (Post slider, Featured Post and Latest Blog) in homepage like a your demo site. ( ). Thank you.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
My buyer’s code is not well recognized for having support, please contact me: [email protected]
I don’t know how to:
- change layout blog: I ‘d like articles on a plain page
- Pictures of similar articles are not visible ?
- I don’t want the big picture of home page be also present on the other pages.
it seems that I’ve got too many information above flotation bar, page speed results are not good.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi I can’t find an email address but I would like to update my Mokka theme v1.3.8 to v.1.0.8. How can I do that?
Thank you!

Review Left On 08/20/2022
Hi, I tried submitting a help ticket, but it would not go through, same error as below.
I have a problem that seems simple, but I just can’t seem to solve it.
I would like to change the layout of the landing page, the front page, from a 3 column, post with two side bars to a two column, post with 1 sidebar.
I do not has a static page, it is set up as it is installed.
I managed to change the layout of the other pages quite easily.