Election is a political WordPress retina ready theme with unlimited skins. Whether you’re a political blogger or political candidate, “Election” will give you a beautiful website design that is mobile friendly, functionally robust, SEO friendly, and easy to use. It has powerful CMS functionality and a long list of premium features. Election is a fully responsive theme, meaning it will look great on the smallest smartphone as well as the biggest desktop monitor. Theme Features List Fully Responsive Design Theme Customizer Retina Ready Unlimited Skins Included Premium Revolutio Slider – $19 Value Unlimited Galleries Unlimited Sidebars Child theme support Sticky... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi, love the theme but suddenly two functions stopped working for us. Both seem Java related.
Issue 1: If we don’t have “Disable Auto Height Javascript Function for Header Image” selected the header height gets huge and either blows up the image (this happens if 100% Background Image Width is selected) or shows the image plus some empty background (if 100% Background Image Width not selected). For now the site is usable with disable auto height selected but the header no longer scales for smaller screen sizes.
Issue 2: If we don’t have “Disable Auto Width Main Links” selected the menu items bunch really close together. If we do have it selected it switches to a uniform menu. We preferred the auto width main links and have no idea why it stopped working.

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi please I need your help to set the default active tab onload
swm_tabs style=”tabs_horizontal” title=”Etat des lieux,Réformes engagées,Résultats obtenus”
how can set the active tab to tab2?

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I followed the instructions to set the top menu, but the instructions are still showing on the page. How do I get rid of that
Novanoid — Simple Minimal
Genuine - Creative Responsive WordPress Theme
Muriel - Responsive Coming Soon Template
Mental — Photography HTML Template
Small Business HTML Theme - CLEANSTART

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hello, I created a new slider for my website using the revolution slider but the slider isn’t loading up. I have resolved this in the past by activating the lazy load option but it is resolving this time. I have updated WordPress and the plugin and still not working. Kindly advice how I may resolve this. Thanks.

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hi, I tried to import the demo xml, but it didn’t seem to work out. I tried to follow the exact steps, but without the desired result. Could you please help out. I can give you a login on www.vota2021.com if needed.
Thanks in advance,
Paul ([email protected])

Review Left On 04/15/2022
I updated to the latest version of WordPress and it seems to have partially broken the theme. The hero image swallows the beginning of blog posts, and the columns on the homepage are no longer aligned.

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I am having issues with the polishortcodes.
https://townofgoldenmeadow-la.gov/wp-content/plugins/poli-shortcodes/shortcodes/tinymce/js/popup.js: jQuery.fn.live() is deprecated
The website only functions if I have jQuery Migrate Helper enabled.
The theme is up to date, but I don’t see the polishortcode plugin anywhere in the download. Can you assist?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Hello tradert,
Please send your website admin login details from our profile page form ( https://themeforest.net/user/softwebmedia ) so I can check and fix the issue.
Thank you.

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Good day – I noticed that many of the Election Theme features are now not working in Wordpress 5.7.1. I’m hoping that you will address and curious if when you do they will auto update on our end. HELP?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Recently we had an issue with our website using this theme. Apparently, our hosting company updated their PHP versions and it seems this theme was not supporting the new PHP version. Any advise on this please? Currently we are running a lower version of PHP just so that the site could run.
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/customer/www/forext.eu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/stylish-links/options/inc/class.redux_filesystem.php on line 29
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/customer/www/forext.eu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/stylish-links/options/inc/class.redux_filesystem.php:29) in /home/customer/www/forext.eu/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 991

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi! None of the “Theme Option” functionalities not working. Even the “Save all changes” button is not working. What should I do?
Thank You!

Review Left On 05/04/2022
I have a problem with the Election template:
1) not working properly – tabs_horizontal (even on the home page www.pozarowo.pl)
2) testimonials in widget in footer is not loading properly.
Can I ask for help in resolving the problems?
Best regards,

Review Left On 06/03/2022
I have noticed that under plugins – it always lists the included Slider Revolution as “A new version of Slider Revolution is available”
and there is a link to activate said plugin for premium benefits (live updates.)
I was under the impression that it would auto update per purchasing the template. If not – do we need to create an account with Slider revolution? PLease advise.

Review Left On 08/29/2022
Good afternoon,
I have a problem with the template when embedding social media posts such as Facebook and Instagram, it tells me the following:
“Sorry, this content cannot be embedded.”
Even taking into account the way to embed posts with facebook. They do not load the images from facebook, we already check that all the permissions on facebook are correct, we only want to verify some solution with the template or if it has some restrictions to embed publications.
Best regards.

Review Left On 09/23/2022
I have installed the politics theme – both child and full, with full currently active. When I go to edit pages I am seeing swm shortcode. Am I missing a plugin that will allow me to edit this code? What plugin should I have installed?

Review Left On 10/02/2022
Election – Political WordPress Theme
this template really perfect to me and easy to customize , please can you add me some fake voting counter database under the slide image? the counter started in million like 25,435,392 format , it auto increment randomly in some seconds like 30-60 . user also can manually vote only one time I mean IP address a day.