Chain is yet another Bootstrap 3 Admin Template with jQuery plugins that is perfect for your next projects. It provides an easy to use modern and flat user interface design and a fully responsive layout that is compatible with handheld devices such as phones and tablets. Features Built using Bootstrap 3 Angular JS Version Included Valid HTML5 and CSS 3 Clean and Modern Design Fully Responsive and Retina Ready Graphs – Flot, Morris and Sparkline Message Template Forms Enhanced Checkboxes Enhanced Select using Select 2 Toggle Switches Time Picker Date Picker Input Masks Autogrow Textarea Input Tags Dropzone File Upload Form Validation Form Wizard WYSIHTML5 Editor CKEditor Code Editor (powered by CodeMirror) UI Elements Buttons \u0026amp... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I want to get show the data’s in from another site.(samples: and and
In this template(Discussion on Chain) instead photo link and infographics can you put it? So I import data from other sites. Can we do this the data transfer?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
i have a problem with this data table
please fix.

Review Left On 04/29/2022
I purchased Chain Responsive for the Angular version. I ran Bower and Grunt as instructed. I had to change the port number from 9000 to 9001, but reading the task and warnings it says the sparkline and twitter-bootstrap-wizard was not injected in your file.
When I ran bower it stopped a couple of times asking for the right version of angular, bootstrap, and jquery. Then when I ran npm install I got alot of deprecated warning messages, but it does look like it ran through the tree. When a run grunt serve that is when i get the sparkline and bootstrap not injected. The dashboard page does come up on the browser but only a top blue bar appears. I think because bootstrap is not injected it displays nothing.
Can you provide more detailed instructions. I am running on windows 10 and I have run some basic angular examples on my computer and have node installed. A bower_components and node_modules directory are generated.
thank you
Nandito, Flat Responsive Email Template
Avalith - One Page Creative HTML Template
Rodos - Responsive Coming Soon Theme
Horizon - Responsive Email Template

Review Left On 04/29/2022
One of the best/easier template i used.
I like it.
Thank alot for this great work.
(Bought from Element)

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Signin page is not responsive at 100%.
Directly when it use screen view on mobile, not working.
Also, viewport is ignored.

Review Left On 06/22/2022
Hi, I am interested to know more about the template that you have.
Is the code base developed using Angular 1.X or Angular 4? Please update me on that.
Thank you.

Review Left On 07/15/2022
I have a small query, I have page which contains Tabs. And inside those tab structure, I have put 3 data tables. Now there is some conflict of code, as the data table started behaving differently. In the first Tab it behaves properly, yet in the other tabs, it adds a + sign (responsive feature) in front of first TD’s.
It is observed that when active class is applied inline, it works properly. Now in my scenario, if I add active class in all the tabs manually, it works properly, but when the active class is applied by script (dynamically) its not working.

Review Left On 08/19/2022
Can I get support on this issue as my work is getting affected due to this issue. Please help as soon as possible.

Review Left On 09/17/2022
Hello, I have a problem where the datepicker does not show up if its put inside a modal. I have looked through the comments and I am using the latest version, but I cant seem to find the problem. It looks like the z-index for the picker may be showing it behind the modal – I may be wrong, but I’m not sure where to change it.