THEME DETAIL Are you searching for a special template for you Online Store? Then, the searching can be stopped here. Because we created Ap Big Store Responsive Shopify Template . The main factors that make Ap Big Store so special are its modern flat design and simple four-color scheme. The banners in nicely put to show off the contents you want your customers to lay eyes on. Ap Big Store is totally shopify responsive theme. It contains 5 layouts so it is designed for diversified commodities as fashion store, bag store, glass store, mobile store, shoes store, furniture store, high tech store and multi-stores. The contents in Ap Big Store Shopify Template are arranged properl... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hey There,
I want to change the menu width. Now I have 75% width, but need 100%. Could you advise.
P.S. In that section I see only:
@media (min-width: $screen-desktop) {
.col-md-2-4 , .col-md-4-8,
.col-md-7-2, .col-md-9-6 {float: left;}
}, but see no 75%. Please help to resolve this.
Thank you in advance.
.col-md-2-4 { width: percentage((2.4 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-md-4-8 { width: percentage((4.8 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-md-7-2 { width: percentage((7.2 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-md-9-6 { width: percentage((9.6 / $grid-columns)); }

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hello, is the Bistore theme able to handle thousands or products, is it easy for customers to navigate and sellers to list and display items? Thank you

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hello, we are unable to use the “Wishlist” function in the “AP Big Store” theme. We have it enabled in the theme customization dashboard and the heart icon appears above our products, however when the heart icon is clicked, the page navigates to the “wishlist” page without any products included.
Are there any additional settings or troubleshooting steps we can take to enable this functionality?
Any help you can give us to fix this problem would be much appreciated!
Ap Golmart - Responsive Shopify Theme
Ap Alaska Shopify Responsive Theme
Ap Vanis Fashion - Shopify Theme
AP Fashion Store - Responsive Shopify Template
Ap Adela Shopify Theme

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi Helpreps, thank you for interesting, it is possible & very easy to manager product, you can create the collections with the your conditions & copy the url link from that collection, regards !

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hey There,
I have a collection page with a unique description:
I also have a tag pages like: In these tag pages I have a double content (The same page description with collection page). How to remove a content from tag pages?
P.S. I do not add any description on tag pages. I only add description on collection page and it automatically adds to tag pages.
Could you please help me with this?
Thank you un advance.

Review Left On 05/04/2022
We need help with your vertival menu.
I’ve contacted you by email using my corportate email (Valdemar Pereira – pereirav).
Can you please confirm?

Review Left On 06/26/2022
Hello. I am one of the administrators for our website at which uses your template.
I am looking for the area in which to work with the topbar. I see where one can choose the background color and text color in the header section but do not see anywhere where I can input text, choose monetary units and etc.
Where can I edit the topbar information?
Thank you
Jim Winters

Review Left On 07/04/2022
The images I upload to the slider have useful custom file names but get changed to “slideshow_image_5.jpg” etc which is not useful. How can I change these file names to maintain SEO relevance?
Also where can I change the “vendor” images at the bottom of the home page?
Many Thanks,
.: pl