Description Universe is a clean unique news and magazine html5, css3 template, It’s perfect for online magazines, reviews and personal blog as well. Universe is responsive template, your readers can easily read your article everywhere, on there mobile or tablet. Present your content in a way that is accessible, logical and beautiful. Features Fully Responsive Layout Built on HTML5/CSS3 Tested on All Major Browsers Mega menu support Ajax contact form Font-Icons from Font Awesome Touchscreen Support Includes PSD files (desktop, tablet and mobile versions) Awesome support And much more Change Log —————————————————-— Version 1.1 – November 13th, 2014 —————————————————-— - Fixed crash issue on Dreamweaver when open file —————————————————-— Ve... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi. Nice Theme. Thank you.
I have a problem… when I open the pages to edit in Dreamweaver, immediately after the open I receive an error message, saying “Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 has stopped responding.”
I’ve bought plenty of themes and used them for years. This is the first time this has happened.
Do you know if other people have had similar problems with this theme? Can you suggest a way around this problem?

Review Left On 09/01/2022
Nice theme.
But …
I think the second menu does not work properly when you resize the browser.
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