Yours is ready for all devices, based on bootstrap with awesome effects. Don’t forget vote Features: Retina Ready Fully Responsive Revolution Slider Portfollio – Isotope Ajax Contact Form Twitter Script Smooth scrolling 400+ Icons Excellent Support Extremely Easy To Customize Extensive Documentation Credits: Isotope Revolution Slider Localscroll ScrollTo TimeAgo ResponsiveSlides Sticky Menu Lightbox 2 Bootstrap Font Awesome Demo images (NOT included in the package)... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hello ef1eden,
Your template is amazing and I managed to work my way through easily. The only issue I face is with the twitter plugin. I try to follow your instructions in your documentation but I cannot locate the “My Applications” option you mention anywhere on that site. Can you please help?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Is there any way to obtain the stock images for the theme?
Great theme!

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Great Design and nice work.
Were did you get your video backround from?
any chance that you could maybe post the link?
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Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hello can you update the visual composer to 4.7.4 (which is included in the theme download) please?
Thank you very much.

Review Left On 08/08/2022
Hello. help would be possible in the template Yours (html)
Support has already won but the menu is displaying an error in Chrome.
I made the purchase but the project was extended, now that I’m going to finish it.
Is there any way to extend support to get help?
Thank you.

Review Left On 09/14/2022
Hello ef1eden,
One more question for a problem I’ve recently encountered.
I switched to video background and have problems viewing it on mobile devices (on desktops it works fine). I can view the video in your example via mobile, but when I try to do the same for my website I can’t view it (despite using the same video and despite seeing it on desktops).
Is there something else I have to do aside from stating the right path for the video in index.html?