Main Features Home Fullscreen Slider Home Fullscreen Video Light And Dark Layout Premium Preloader Premium Slider Portfolio Effect With Automatic Grouping Unlimited Colors. Create your custom color scheme with only a few clicks! 2 Portfolio Page Examples Built-In Parallax Effects Retina Ready Smooth Scrolling Responsive Design Responsive Video Support Google Fonts Support Working PHP Contact Form Built With HTML5 and CSS3 400+ Icons Easy Setup Unique Effects CSS3 Animation Includes Entire Font Awesome Crossbrowser Compatible Excellent Customer Support – We care about your site as much as you and will help in anyway possible and many more… Credits and Sources Images – Raumro... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hey srvsl, I wanted the same thing. It’s actually quite simple:
Add a lightbox script like jquery-lighter to your html. Change all of the links of the pictures in the stacks to point to the corresponding full res image file like this and add the lightbox-specific attribute, in this case “data-lighter”:
You might have to set the z-index of the lightbox container to a value higher than 9999 (because that’s the layer phoebe uses)

Review Left On 04/23/2022
I´d like that in “OUR WORKS” section had the option of clicking on the small images to open the full-size images … instead of opening another page.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hello! I don`t find the way to change the contact form mail address destiny. Can you please help me?
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Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hello. Great work!
Can you please tell me where /how to change the map? I haven´t found any iframe from google maps, or latitude or longitude… Can you please help me?

Review Left On 06/03/2022
Yes, Rev. Slider problem. Try with biger text on desktop. Change font size for subtitle.

Review Left On 08/04/2022
Hey, really great template.
Can you help me with that: On mobile devices the subtitle of the slider becomes way too small (4px). It’s smaller than it should be proportionally. The fat title does not get reduced soo much.
Any ideas, what is causing this? A problem of Revolution Slider?
Here a screenshot to illustrate what I mean:

Review Left On 09/21/2022
A great download!
But how can I get my background picture to fade in to the next picture as on demo. My screen goes grey then on to next picture
many thanks