Simple Article - WordPress Theme For Personal Blog
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Simple Article is a minimal Wordpress Theme designed for blogger. It provides many features that blogger will love it. Sticky post, Social share in each post, many post formats such as Video, Audio, Soundcloud(audio), Gallery as grid or slider or column, Quote, Aside? We also provide 4 blog layouts for maximize your design including, Full thumbnail, Medium thumbnail with content on the side, Column and Masonry? We also provide category filter in this theme for blog posts as well. Enjoy! Overall Features - Page Builder - Master Slider $25 Value For Free - GoodLayers Importer – With just few steps, you can turn your site to be like demo site. We have a step by step video to teach you. - Page Builder Setting Shortcut But... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
1. can you make sure that you already updated the theme to latest version? We’ve fixed the problem for a while now.
2. Please also make sure to clear browser cache as well and if problem still persist, can you provide screenshot of the issue so we can see?

Review Left On 04/14/2022
The preview appears to show that a sidebar is possible on the homepage but there does not seem to be an option for this now that I have purchased the theme. Please assist.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Problems with php 7+. Website reports two files with problems: 1-1-banner-widget.php and 1-4-banner-widget.php.
Versatile - Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme
Charity Hub - Nonprofit / Fundraising WordPress
Mediso - Corporate / One-Page / Blogging WP Theme
Music Club - Band | Party Wordpress
Clever Course - Education / LMS

Review Left On 05/01/2022
I have a website with Simple Article version 1.08 offered years ago by Themeforest.
I would like to purchase the latest release to be eligible for future updates.
Once I have purchased and downloaded the theme, how do I go about updating?
Sorry but I’m not very practical.

Review Left On 07/03/2022
As the other party mentioned 11 months ago, the theme, while very pretty, does not give a sidebar for widgets on the home page, despite the example doing so. I have submitted a ticket and am waiting for follow up.

Review Left On 07/29/2022
I like this design but I was wondering if I can create a child from it and change the font type and color, and translate the buttons such as read more, and other into Spanish. Is that possible? Thanks

Review Left On 08/27/2022
Hi, I updated php to 8.0 and it doesn’t work. Are you planning to fix the issues? I am getting Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function WP_Widget::__construct(), 0 passed in /var/www/