MAG = Grid Magazine / News WordPress Theme / Front-end Submission
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Version 3.7 – March 03, 2022 – documentation | changelog WordPress 5.9+ Ready Gutenberg Ready Available for custom work (PayPal/Crypto). Design Concepts Frontend submission: Submit post from frontend as a not logged in user or as a logged in user. Enter Tags for the post Option page – User can customize settings. Email notification to admin email after successful post submission. Customized Post Submission message. Field Selection ability. Required Fields Selection Ability Anyone can post from anywhere in the site Category selection Add featured image to the post. More than one image and other media items can be added to the post if logged in. Mathema... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi i purchased the template some days ago, but i’m having some issue in findind where customizing the hompage like position of the module. Can you please help me in that?

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hello friends!
If you decide to purchase the theme, we are offering the theme installation service for free (the demo content) and plugins configuration, for free! So you’ll get the same thing you see in the demo.
I really appreciate the support, so thank you! After you purchase the theme, submit a support ticket through the = MAG Support, and I’ll get back to you in a few hours! Thank you!

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hello, i have a problem with the responsive menu. it is displayed on a computer, how to remove it so that it remains only on the phone or tablet
THEONE - Parallax Onepage Responsive HTML Template
Triablo - eCommerce Landing Page
VideoTouch - Video WordPress Theme
FC - Football Club Template (Soccer PSD)
Tini - News/Magazine Template with Online Shop

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hello friends!
Latest Version 2.2 – July 06, 2017
WordPress 4.8 Ready.
I really appreciate the support, so thank you! If you like my work, don’t hesitate to follow me: for more Blog / Magazine Themes!
Please note that this comments section are for pre-sales questions only. Support is offered only through the = MAG Support, so please submit a ticket if you have any concerns with the theme, thank you!
Another important thing, if you purchased my theme, go to your Download Page click the “Download” button and select “All Files & Documentation”, and please read the Documentation for a properly configuration of the theme, demo content, plugins, updating a WordPress Theme etc.
Kind regards,
Iulian, An-Themes.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Nice work, I’ve been looking for this template for a long time, but I want to ask some questions :
1- Can I translate to a language other than English?
2- Can I make this list containing 4 sites? Example :
3-Can this thing be deleted? And replace it with a link wordpress ? Example :
4-Is there an additional explanation?
&Thank you

Review Left On 05/30/2022
Hello, in theme option save all changes button not working, please guide me how to solve this issue.

Review Left On 07/16/2022
Hi, could you prepare font end post submission as separate plugin, with payments options. If you coul do it, i think that many people will by it. I will be the first one. Pleas let me know is it possible ?

Review Left On 07/24/2022
thank you for this theme – we wish to make purchase – can you please inform me:
1) we will adapt this for Jobs theme- can we load a list of company /import companies – as excel or xl file with their logos and emails to ensure a preloaded list is included?
2) On Ads type – is there a pay per click option?- For instance can an employer create a Job Ad – and only pay when potential candidate pay on the Job Ad? – I can see you you have a bidding option but do not see an option for paying only when someone clicks – {for example on LinkedIn a company creates a link – and only pays when a potential interested party clicks – the company is paying per click.
3) Is there private communication between employers and employees?
4) can we work on the Job Theme from elementor / wordpress ?
Thank you we await your kind response,
thank you

Review Left On 10/03/2022
Hello friends!
I really appreciate the support, so thank you! If you like my work, don’t hesitate to follow me: for more Blog / Magazine Themes, thank you!
Please note that this comments section are for pre-sales questions only. Support is offered only through the = MAG Support, so please submit a ticket if you have any concerns with the theme, thank you!
Another important thing, if you purchased my theme, go to your Download Page click the “Download” button and select “All Files & Documentation”, and please read the Documentation for a properly configuration of the theme, demo content, plugins, etc.
Kind regards,
Iulian, An-Themes.