THEONE - Parallax Onepage Responsive HTML Template
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THEONE is a responsive \u0026amp; retina portfolio OnePage HTML theme for the professional creative. It’s easy to use and concentrates on showcasing your work to potential clients and employers, with a unique interactive interface. Also easily adapted to be used for Multi-page sites. Check the Wordpress version. FEATURES OVERVIEW Fully Responsive Layout: adapts to smaller devices (iPhone, iPad), touch device friendly. 6 demos included. 30+ useful elements/modules. 3 layouts for header. Menu hidden by default Menu shown by default with transparent background Menu shown by default Multiple layers Parallax effect (demo) Half section supported Parallax and Background video Creative 1/2 and 1/3 bock style section layout BM slider: Horizont... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Absolutely beautiful theme! Thank you!
One question – I love your ajax portfolio from home3.html, but I cannot seem to get the previews of the images to expand like they do on your live demo, all it seems to do is load with a small line going across the thumbnail? I’ve redownloaded it and tried, and still didn’t do the separating animation. Any suggestions?

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi there – I love the template and all the options, but the parallax is not working on Safari 8.0.2 (it’s fine on Chrome and Firefox). I am looking at home05.html right out of the zip with no modifications. Any ideas?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hey, just wondering where I can find the contact.php that is written about in the documentation. Right now the contact doesn’t work because…well, I just can’t figure it out. The documentation is a bit lacking on it and any customization.
Great template, however!
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Review Left On 06/30/2022
How can i link back to section on home page from inside page?
Tried “home02.html#service” from inside page but it doesn’t work. Animation on home page disables the scroll i think. This makes main navigation useless from internal pages. Can you please tell me how to avoid this?

Review Left On 07/04/2022
Thank you for your work, everything is fine. Great.
Please tell me, whether there is in your opinion a quick way to make a boxed version of the site? (Eg take the entire contents of div container, etc.) What can you advise to make header, contents and footer were widt no more than 1200 pixels maximum for all types table devices.
thank you!

Review Left On 07/10/2022
Hi guys. Thanks for the great template. Most elements work smoothly but it does not seem to be working on firefox for android phones. It gets stuck on the opening spinner. Also the “latest projects” section on home02 does not seem to be working on ipads. Any help? Thanks a lot

Review Left On 10/02/2022
I’m using the Home02 with background video and the video does not work on cell nor an Ipad. why?