ZENON: Multipurpose Drupal 7 Theme Zenon theme is specifically designed for ease of use. There is also very advanced customization options in the Theme Settings. Some of the highlights are as follows: Drag \u0026amp; Drop Layout Builder: This Features allows you to customize your pages easily. You can add as many Sections \u0026amp; Regions as you wish, so you can make unlimited page design. Details Typography Builder: You can access to whole Google Web Fonts with Typo Tool, With more than 620 Web Fonts, you can customize your page as you wish. You can add a font property at each element on the page. Details Advanced Block Controls: This feature offers advanced settings for each block. You can set the grid for each block and block view can be set... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Getting this error while import the zenon.sql
After change the column size : On frontend
On Login page

Review Left On 04/20/2022
My English is bad. I use google translation. Sorry for the translation errors.
I have a few questions before I buy the theme.
1. Does it support drupal-8.8.3 version?
2. Will I need additional plugins to run it completely?
Good sales

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Has anyone got a fix for the “Choose Media” bug. I’m using the latest distro of this theme.
Maice - Responsive Email + Themebuilder Access
Minimy - Responsive Clean Personal & Fashion Blog
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Rawnaq - Responsive Portfolio Theme For Tumblr
Readme - A Readable WordPress Theme

Review Left On 07/16/2022
Themebiotic I want to thank you for responding very quickly to my questions, although some of your responses were unclear, I want to say it’s difficult to ask comprehensive questions because these themes all look very simple when you start tuning them there is a lot of complexity and programming that is hidden in layers of files on the main Drupal core and on the Linux OS running, and if you are not a specialized programmer then the customer is relying on the template being completely tested and working with ZERO HICCUPS.
Ok then to my questions earlier you indicated you do NOT have an ecommerce module integrated with the theme, the buyer would have to add one and define the style, do you have any existing samples from clients that have implemented successfully that you can include a link for me to review or ask them a few questions?
2 You indicated there is NO dark theme included in the template, is there any example from a client who has implemented successfully a dark theme and style and you can include a link for me to review?
3- You did not at all explain the Animate CSS feature. What does it do? how does it work? does it allow the buyer to add animation to the slider? does it allow the buyer to add animation to photos in gif format? what is it exactly? are there any demos with this feature we can review?
4- Sliders – can you add a slider on any new node you create on the website? say we manage a blog section on the template, can we add sliders on nodes? can we add slides on any page? or are we just stuck with one slider on the front page and a slider via blocks structure? what about on nodes? how many sliders maximum number can you implement on this template before the database slows down significantly and can no longer serve the images and content with reasonable speed?
Thank you and if you could please respond with comprehensive detailed responses.

Review Left On 08/09/2022
Pre-Sales Questions:
1) Can we add slider to any node or page.. except the homepage.
2) If we create an AMP version of the website.. It will not affect the main website or conflict with the theme right?
Request you to respond to this at earliest. Since i need to buy this theme ASAP.
Thanks and Regards.
Mihir Joshi

Review Left On 09/16/2022
Hey crowdismo,
All you need to do is update your themes ( biotic & zenon ), like updating a regular theme or module.

Review Left On 09/17/2022
Pre Sales Questions:
1- does the template only work with Drupal 7.3 and 7.4? Is it completely compatible with Drupal 7.6 (current 7.x release)? which MySQL database editions are compatible with your template?
2- In reviewing your template there is one link on the footer for product pricing but I did not see in your template any pages for products, pricing and shopping cart? is there shopping cart block? do you have payment processing integration with Paypal or VISA/MC?
3- Do you have any theme variations we can review (such as corporate business with a dark background)? We did look at the Advanced Features widget which allows a lot of customization on the fly but we really would like to see a completed template variation that show a darker theme colors suit.
4- What kind of sliders are already integrated with this template? can you insert a slider on the fly on any new node the webmaster creates?
5- Are there any samples or examples of the CSS Animations this template is capable of implementing? What are these “animations” Zenon is capable of offering?
Thank you for your assistance?