Description ClubCube template is a perfect choice for your Night Club. Modern, stunning, eye-catching design attracts attention immediately. We use not trivial, bright colors and elements which are perfect for entertainment industry. We made everything to help you to promote easily using our template. ClubCube is a grid-based (Twitter Bootstrap Grid System) Responsive HTML5 template for night club. Features of ClubCube include valid HTML5\u0026amp;CSS3 code, Custom Animations. We created the most necessary pages, to make it possible to: announce events, publish photo reports, make reservation and look through the menu. Don’t worry if you are beginner and do not have much experience. It is elementary to add and change content, photos an... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hey. Sorry for my English.
I bought a template a long time ago – Club Cube v.2 – responsive MODX theme for night club
I installed it today. I used the instruction. My site does not work. I noticed an error in the headerBase.tpl file
The problem with: [[pdoMenu@mainMenu?
If you turn off the menu, then it works:[[-pdoMenu@mainMenu?
But without the menu.
Attached a file with MODX errors.
What to do? How to fix?
Thank you.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hello. In the subject already has several color schemes, which can be used. Or do you need some kind of individual.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hello,nice theme! Is the support still working? I want to know if is possible to change the theme colors. I need a dark version. Tk’s
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Review Left On 07/18/2022
I installed MODX in godaddy
then installed the template files per your PDF instructions
I can see and access all the files and see their source code
but is there a WYSYG area to edit text for employees that don’t know code?

Review Left On 08/02/2022
What is recommended MODX version for Club Cube v.2? I have tried MODX 2.5.7 and 2.3.3 – none of these work for me.