deKor is Responsive Interior Joomla Template with unique design build with Bootstrap 3 based on Plazart Framework. deKor suits with websites on decoration, architecture, interior and other purposes. deKor is compatible with TZ Portfolio, Hikashop and Kunena Forum. So it’s easy to create a company site or a small shop for your business. Changelogs: Version 1.7 Update Joomla version 3.5.1. Update Hikashop version 2.6.3. Update Plazart latest version 5.2. Update Module TZ Ourteam in the layout of \"partner\" and add the link for images. Fixed error miss the navigation of image sliders in IE. Fixed errors relating to updating Hikashop 2.6.1: wish list, pagination..... Version 1... READ MORE

Review Left On 06/16/2022
I have a question. How do I remove from portfolio view the magnifying glass, I just want to see the picture not the article. I have a problem with the main article image which does not show in good quality, I change the parameters but it still shows it with low quality.

Review Left On 09/12/2022
(SOLVED) Also I need to remove the author , tags and hits from article view. i have disabled it in menu, global, article and they re still there. Thanks Again.
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