Version 1.5.3 is out now! Including Gutenberg support! Allow your content to shine with Florence, a classically crisp blog theme. Featuring both sidebar \u0026amp; full-width layouts, a variety of post layout options, and numerous sidebar \u0026amp; footer widgets, Florence excels at exhibiting your work in an airy and cohesive presentation. Crafted on a foundation of solid coding and bolstered with plentiful color, background, and general theme options, relax in knowing that Solo Pine’s acclaimed customer support is by your side. Version 1.5.3 Fixed: Gallery block styling issue Fixed: Image caption alignments Updated: Vafpress Post Formats UI plugin Version 1.5.2 Added: Support for new Instagram plugin Added: Option to hide related p... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hi there, this theme looks really lovely! Just wanted to ask if once installed, will it look exactly like in the demo out of the box so we can just edit it or do we need to set up everything?

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hello sir,
I would like to know what is the good size for the theme logo on laptop and mobile version
also, how can I change the font and the size of the post text ?
thank you

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi. Can you add support for wp_body_open to the theme? This hook was added back in version 5.2. Thanks!
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Glamorous Creative Intro Page
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Race - Creative One Page Template

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi there, I really like your theme. We are considering to buy & use it, but I am interested – is the font in the logo free or is it possible to buy it also? My colleague really likes the font. Thanks!

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hi. Reviewing the performance of my site and noticed the Latest Posts sidebar widget is loading original full resolution images instead of thumbnails. While the srcset references the various images sizes, the default src is the original and is being loaded by the browser on desktop resolution. (Debugged using Chrome Dev Tools and GTMetrix page analyzer.)
As the Latest Posts sidebar widget is only ever needing the smallest thumbnail, not sure why the original full resolution images would need to be referenced in any case. By contrast, the large Featured Images in the Post Listings are correctly sized. Thoughts on how to fix this? Thanks much!

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi there;
Can you confirm Version 1.5.2 is compatible with Wordpress 5.5? My site just went down when the Wordpress 5.5 update attempted to run, and we updated to Florence Version 1.5.2 last week. We are currently troubleshooting and have reverted back to the previous version of Wordpress for the time being.
Thank you,

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi there,
I just replied to your support ticket. From your screenshot, I can definitely see that there’s a styling issue occurring. My first thought is that it may be related to an incompatible third-party plugin. In the ticket reply I sent you, I recommended some troubleshooting steps to determine out what’s causing the CSS issues. Feel free to reply within the support ticket once you can try the troubleshooting steps out. We’ll find what’s causing the issue with your Florence theme, no worries!

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Can you tell me how to target the Latest Posts widget, I want to change the post title text so it is uppercase?
I’ve used the code stated on the ‘targeting text elements’ article but it isn’t working:
/* Latest post widget post title */
.widget ul .side-newsfeed li .side-item .side-item-text h4 a {text-transform: uppercase}
Thank you!

Review Left On 07/29/2022
I just purchased this theme and I really like it. However I can’t figure out a way to make al images the total width of the post container like in the preview. There’s white around the edges of the image. But I want all images that I add to a post to be the same width as the container of the post. How can I do this?

Review Left On 08/12/2022
I cant install the theme. It says “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. Theme installation failed.”. How will I solve this?

Review Left On 08/23/2022
Hi guys! How a translate “Continue Reading” button? That is the only thing that I cant translate… my site:

Review Left On 09/25/2022
Hi SoloPine.
Does your Florence theme have PHP Version 8 support?
If not when do you think it will ?

Review Left On 10/04/2022
There is no place for social media in the last update. How can I change my social media links?