FEATURES: Awesome Infographics One-pager and Multi-pager 120+ HTML files included Unlimited Retina Ready icons Mega Menu Infinite Scroll Gallery Isotope Gallery Ajax Gallery Unlimited Header Options Swipe Menu for Mobile Devices 30+ Different Menu and Page Header Combinations Twitter Live — you can automatically show a stream of tweets (PHP required), uses latest Twitter API System pages Working contact form and newsletter Built with Bootstrap 3 (Mobile First) Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Design 400+ Font Awesome Icons included 9 types of Homepage Lightbox preview .LESS files included Clear class naming convention CHANGELOG: CREDITS: F... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Where can I set the

Review Left On 04/09/2022
hi is them for word press as it not very clear the demo shows only html files ?any thing else we need to know ?

Review Left On 04/09/2022
What I like the most is your support! I had some issues with contact form and they helped me fast and precise. Awesome theme and outstanding support! Thanks and good luck!
X'mas 2 | Responsive Email Template
Multi Style AngularJS Responsive Admin Template | mAdmin
Goblin - Content-Focused WordPress Theme
OMNIA - Multipurpose, Creative WordPress Theme
Vintage Fashion - Modeling HTML Template

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Witam, widz? ?e jeste?cie z PL. Takie pytanie przed zakupem, wasze dane na fakturze na themeforest s? z NIP’em ?

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hi great work. My office purchased this theme. But problem is in Firefox when i am clicking Continue button that is jumping 69px extra moving on top. google crome & other moving smoothly & correct position. please how to resolve this problem.

Review Left On 04/17/2022
hi, great works.
i have a problem ?
home page slider , not working (fade effect).
i chage js/flexslider/init.js
var ctanimation = validatedata($this.attr(“data-animation”), “slide”);
var ctanimation = validatedata($this.attr(“data-animation”), “fade”);
but not working
How is fade effect in home page slider ?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
You are right – sorry for the confusing with the colors. We will update documentation about this. Colors and buttons are calculated with less, so you can try to compile less files or search for #fc4349 color in style.css and replace it for whatever you want.
Best Regards,

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Info on the custom colors is limited. Can you at least specify the colors to use for the buttons since they are most complicated? There seems to be a shadow color, icon background color, and text background color with both regular and active states. Would be nice if you could fix this both in documentation and in the style sheets. Also, the orange button seems to use red for its active state.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
My office purchased this theme and I have a question. In the history.html the timeline doesn’t load. All I can find is an undefined value in storyjs-embed.js line 132, specifically:
function N() {
VMM.debug = h.debug; /here appears the error!/
n = new VMM.Timeline(h.id);
o && VMM.bindEvent(global, onHeadline, "HEADLINE")
Any ideas?

Review Left On 05/04/2022
I am using index6.html template from your theme. I am facing a problem in the contact form on this page. When i submit the form, it doesn’t send form data in the email. Upon form submission I get email and I see 4 fields in the email like:
but the values of all these four fields is always “Array”. What I do to rectify this problem?

Review Left On 05/11/2022
Very well done template! Can you please take a look at >>> http://look-serious.com/techlab/portfolio-single.html
I’d like to make the side column sticky – can you please help? Thank you!

Review Left On 05/17/2022
I Fixed The issue :
in main.js file “Link Scroll to Section” please fix this
Replace :
Old Code:
$('.ct-js-btnScroll[href^="#"]').click(function (e) {
var target = this.hash, $target = $(target);
$('html, body').stop().animate({
'scrollTop': $target.offset().top -70
}, 900, 'swing', function () {
window.location.hash = target;
New Code:
function goToByScroll(id){
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $(id).offset().top -70},'slow');}
$('body a').click(function(){
return false;

Review Left On 06/06/2022
Friend you know how to submit a form in the popup magnific in updating the whole page?
For example: http://oguia.co/montagens.php
When I click on any picture will open the popup, and want to submit it within the form without refreshing the page.

Review Left On 06/24/2022
Where is the code in the style.css file to change the background color of the navigation boxes from FC4349 and navigation heading inside the dropdown from white to another color? Thanks.

Review Left On 06/30/2022
Each time I replace the color FC4349 with 151F38 the homepage looks fine but the Contact Us and other pages remain in the original color and those page layouts are distorted. Any advice?

Review Left On 09/01/2022
Any tips on stopping the automatic animation of the flexslider? I’ve tried editing the javascript file, but have had no luck.

Review Left On 09/10/2022
Hi !
How can I fixed the flexslider background? I just want one static image on my slider.
Thanks and great job