Template feature Template Builder by StampReady. 3 header style : Quote, CTA, Logo. Commented HTML. Flexible table structure (delete/copy/replace). Responsive for your mobile device. Conversion Centered Design Advanced lossy compression for all PNG, JPG images(reduce file size -70%) Package included File for Campaign Monitor and File for MailChimp – include Campaign Monitor tag : singleline, multiline, editable, repeater, layout. – include MailChimp tag: mc:edit, mc:repeatable, mc:hideable mc:variant. Regular html – HTML Photoshop file – PSD file all layers are names and well for easy custom color all image sliced ready. Documentation – include how to upload to Campaign Monitor and... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello. I just edit my template with StampReady, then upload the html to Mailchimp. At the first place when I imported, it seems to be fine for editing. Then I saved my work and reopen it, only the the first two blocks appear. Any Idea?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
In outlook will the hero image display or does nothing display there at all? Or is it simply the snow effect won’t work in Outlook?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi – I’m noticing on my mac mail program, the snow falls going from the middle of the template to the far right. So the snow effect is offset about 50% to the right. In ipad, shows correctly, or just slightly offset. Thoughts?
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Review Left On 05/26/2022
I can’t get my snow to work. I tried changing to and it is not working. http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=6e7188d7ee175a6c29ad90a21&id=273508e53b&e=

Review Left On 06/06/2022
Hi Is it compatible with latest MyMail Version?
Thanks for fast response if yes i buy it

Review Left On 07/16/2022
Hi, can anyone tell me if the templates in https://www.formget.com/free-halloween-email-templates/ will work with MailChimp or AWeber?