Hattan is ready for all devices, based on bootstrap with awesome effects template. Don’t forget vote Features: Retina Ready Fully Responsive Revolution Slider Portfollio – Isotope Ajax Contact Form Smooth scrolling 400+ Icons Excellent Support Extremely Easy To Customize Extensive Documentation Credits: Isotope Revolution Slider Localscroll ScrollTo TimeAgo ResponsiveSlides Sticky Menu Lightbox 2 Bootstrap Font Awesome Changelog Version 1.1.1 (20.03.2015) -Fix bug with menu on mobile devices Version 1.01 (20.08.2015) -Fix bug with mobile menu Demo images (NOT included in the package)... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hello, The form on my template website is not working, ive edited the php index.html file, but its still not going through, any idea? thank you

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hi – i’m having an issue with my Media Mason Grid. I have two – one is working fine but the other is just the loading dots. Do you know why this is?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi, I’m interested in this template but I was wondering if if had the capability of having more images inserted while looking at a specific project? From the looks of it, it seems like you could only look at one picture per project. I don’t see a button that allows you to look at more images.
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Review Left On 10/03/2022
I was checking out your theme and really like it. But I was wondering about one thing: When clicking on the pics in the portfolio and it opens in the viewer – why can’t I click on a button to see the next one? I have to close the viewer and click and open the next one.
Is this function planned to be implemented some time soon?