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Tita 3D - Modern & Unique HTML5 Theme

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Tita!! Modern 3D HTML Theme is a multipurpose and fully responsive HTML theme. The Theme is powered by Zurb Foundation Framework and can be a base for any kind of project. Easy color and image selection with many design settings can help you transform your website into a business selling tool. WordPress Version Our Other Themes... READ MORE
Review Left On 04/18/2022
Sherborne Kosareff
Hi ! I really like this theme, I have just downloaded this theme and am trying to install it directly adding a theme. Unfortunalety after uploading the .zip file, I get an error message saying the upload was unsuccessful and that I should try again… Do any of you know what the problem might be ? Thanks for your help !
Review Left On 05/01/2022
Need help my Purchase Code not working and cant reach anybody to help me about portfolio section
Review Left On 05/06/2022
Johan Livesay
Hi everyone, WordPress version of Tita Theme is back: http://themeforest.net/item/tita-3d-modern-unique-wordpress-theme/8983649 Thanks
Review Left On 05/07/2022
I have reached out repeatedly about this theme. When will I receive a response? How hard it is to upload a fixed version of this website ? I sent an inquiry about the portfolio section among other things; I now see “demo 1” seems to work for people to view and buy; however, when we buy this template we don’t receive the same demos you guys are hosting that work. Why can’t we have those exact demos so the code is functioning? The portfolio section does not work… The navigation bars on mobile don’t work well at all, unless you are using a stylus. I can inspect the code and see there is a difference between what I download and what you have posted… At least so we can have a reference of how the cube works. Lastly where is the documentation? This thing is cool until you realize it does not work….
Review Left On 08/24/2022
Dean Bardoner
hello a few days ago I took part in the problem still persists mail portfolios have a coding error in the portfolio section of this code section draws from address “                </ title>      <link rel = “stylesheet” href = ””> </ head>                                                               test                                                                                                                                                      </ body> </ html> “ </div> <span class="placeandtime"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="comments-form-wrapper"> <div class="pure-g"> <div class="pure-u-1"> <h3>Leave A Review For For Tita 3D - Modern & Unique HTML5 Theme</h3> <br> </div> </div> <div class="pure-g"> <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-1"> <form class="pure-form" action="#" method="POST"> <fieldset class="pure-group"> <input autocomplete='name' name="feedback_name" type="text" class="pure-input-1" placeholder="Your Name"> <input autocomplete='email' name="feedback_email" type="email" class="pure-input-1" placeholder="Email"> </fieldset> <input name="id" type="hidden" value="14888"> <input name="user_submit" type="hidden" value="1"> <span class="rating"> <input name="feedback_rate" type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-5" /> <label for="rating-input-1-5" class="rating-star"></label> <input name="feedback_rate" type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-4" /> <label for="rating-input-1-4" class="rating-star"></label> <input name="feedback_rate" type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-3" /> <label for="rating-input-1-3" class="rating-star"></label> <input name="feedback_rate" type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-2" /> <label for="rating-input-1-2" class="rating-star"></label> <input name="feedback_rate" type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-1" /> <label for="rating-input-1-1" class="rating-star"></label> </span> <fieldset class="pure-group"> <input name="feedback_title" type="text" class="pure-input-1" placeholder="Title"> <textarea disabled name="feedback_text" class="pure-input-1" placeholder="Your Feedback"></textarea> </fieldset> <button disabled type="submit" class="pure-button pure-input-1 pure-button-primary">Submit</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <script> $( document ).ready(function() { $( "input.rating-input" ).click(function() { name=$(this).attr('name'); $("input[name='"+name+"']").val(""); // remove value from all radio's (with this name) $("input[name='"+name+"']:checked").val($(this).attr('id')); // add value to checked radio }); }); </script> </div> <div class="darkfooter"> <div class="content"> <div class="pure-g"> <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2"> <b>Useful Links</b> <ul> <li><a href="/reviews/page/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="/reviews/contact">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <!--0.0053369998931885-->