Thank you for your interest shown to AresThemes and your purchase of Winter Theme. We highly appreciate this. Responsive Whether you‘re displaying on desktops, tablet, mobiles, your work, your images, your products will always look the same! Key Template Features Responsive Design Parallax \u0026amp; Video Backgrounds Unique effects and functionality Google Web Fonts Styled typography and flexible page columns Smooth transition effects Working PHP / Ajax Contact Form Valid HTML5\u0026amp;CSS3 standard Cross Browser Optimization Well-commented Coding Standards The theme is programmed using the latest HTML and uses the latest CSS to achieve a stunning effect. Also the template uses the latest jQuery library an... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/07/2022
The template is nice. But I really start to hate it, that I have to buy 10 additional items to get a site working properly.
This template for example has included version 1.6.0 of cubeportfolio – which doesn’t seem to work properly. At least the filter buttons only work from time to time. So now I have to purchase the “standalone” version of cubeportfolio v2.0.1 just for getting this template to work.
You just want to get the finger but it won’t work until you buy the full hand.

Review Left On 09/19/2022
I bought ‘Winter – One Page HTML5 Winter Tourism Template’ yesterday. But my contact form doesn’t work. my site is
how can I get it work. my hosting is with

Review Left On 10/03/2022
i purchased your template and when i install through my wp theme installer it keeps failing and telling me i’m missing a stylesheet.
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