AdminBox is a AngularJs admin template included with SASS and Gruntjs tasks for development test and production (minifcation tasks). It includes awesome features all built with custom angular directivs and controllers, easy to change with a clean and simple layout. Full documentation is also included Feature list : AngularJS scss files Grunt tasks Chartjs Library Morris charts Flotcharts Sparkline charts Gauge charts Bootstrap UI elements Form validation and customization Awesome single pages Personal page / User profile Google maps Vector maps Task Manager Toastr notifications Credits : I would like to give the respective credits for all of these projects/libraries that helped in building this theme h... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hello, my boss buy this license because i love this template. Its working very well, but now i want to use the charts and other functionalitys but i got this error:
ReferenceError: Gauge is not defined
Im using a version of this template in my project MEAN Stack, so i merge the index and the elements like main.css, nav, header, the estructure of the html, dependencies, etc.
But i dont find in the code a list of the to add the exact same to my project. Im doing this with the bower,json and add this to my project.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Olá jota!
Olha, comprei seu template e agora gostaria de implementá-lo na minha aplicação.
Acontece que quando extraio os arquivos e abro o index.html, ele parece que carrega o layout mas depois entra numa tela em branco. Gostaria de saber se você pode me ajudar com isso…

Review Left On 06/10/2022
Hi there,
I just bought your dashboard and it looks wonderful.
I’m a Wordpress guy, and though I’d be able to look at this and figure some things out quite easily, but it’s a little daunting. Perhaps a nudge in the right direction will help me out.
Let’s say I wanted to build my own dashboard, and edit items on the left hand side, like not have all those tabs there…where would I begin?
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Review Left On 06/23/2022
Hello, i like it very much, i would like to know if there is a php mysql that you can advise me to integrate in your admin template?