MD - Responsive Personal Resume & Portfolio Template
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MD-Responsive Personal Resume \u0026amp; Portfolio Template designed on Bootstrap v3 Front End Framework.It is designed for specially designers ,developers \u0026amp; freelancer to show their works and also it is flexible and easy to customize and to extend. You can even modify it to be used as creative, business or portfolio site for your company. Features Built on Bootstrap 3 HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 HTML5 Valid Code Fully Responsive \u0026amp; Optimized for Smartphones and Tablets Resume Timeline ISOTOPE PREMIUM PORTFOLIO plugin (USD 25 Value) portfolio details Animated skills bar 8 color skin Price Table Parallax Sections 2 Navigation style Twitter Feed Jquery Google map with marker Working PHP Ajax Contact Form 800+ Font icons Add links to your socia... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Here is the WordPress Version of MD – Responsive Personal Resume & Portfolio Template

Review Left On 07/12/2022
Just wanted to say ever since I bought this theme the seller has helped me every step of the way. The customer support is better than any I’ve ever experienced on this site. A+

Review Left On 08/05/2022
HI, this is a realy great html template! Congrats! Nice work!
But I’ve one question. Maybe you can halp me… How can I change the color of the Skill-Charts? I couldn’t find it in the code…
Thank you!
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