Welcome to Future V2 ! It’s not 1 but 10 Coming soon in 1. Bootstrap 3, HTML 5 Verified 100% and CSS3. 10 styles Fullscreen image Rain on your screen Fullscreen slider Youtube background Flat surface shader 1 Animations with CSS Parallax Flat surface shader 2 Worms Stars effect Main features Built with Bootstrap v3.1.1 Fully responsive Smooth and light Easy to customise Ready to use Ajax subscribing Contact form Google Map styled Help file Assistance 7/7 (English \u0026amp; Français) 10 styles in 1 FUTURE is an HTML Template and not a Wordpress plugin. For those who have purchased this item before the 01/05/2015, if you get an error message regarding the Google Map you have... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hi! I just bought your theme. But you don’t put how it is installed or where. Note: It does not have a style sheet. Can I have it?

Review Left On 04/11/2022
We can not upload the web
We do not operate with MAC, it will be possible you can send it in another format for window. Will that be the Problma?
Thank you for your help in modifying the legend and uploading the web

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hello sir, I wanted to ask that since Mailchimp allows embeddable forms that can capture first and last names as well as email addresses, how can I modify the newsletter form on this website to also capture names. Right now it only has a slot for letting users enter their email address. I just want to understand the structure of the forms and connection to mail chimp. I understand your time is valuable so I understand if you cannot provide an in-depth answer. Any direction would help.
Greyhound - 3 in 1 Parallax Coming Soon Template
Øfficer - Responsive WordPress Theme
Artemida - Responsive Blog WordPress Theme
Ecomic Responsive Email + Template Builder Access
OLYMPE | Smart Coming Soon Template

Review Left On 04/13/2022
good afternoon. I’m having problems installing my Future 10 In package.
The package could not be installed. Make a style.css style sheet of the theme.
The installation of the theme failed. “
what do I do

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi. I want to purchase this template, but when i checked this template demo on mobile the youtube video isnt working. so before i make the purchase just want to make sure if the video will work on responsive mobile mode. would appreciate a prompt reply. thanks

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Solicito ayuda.
La Plantilla no reproduce el video.
en otros navegadores como Opera e internet explorer el backgroun sale negro.
El Reloj de cuenta regresiva no funciona cuando se sube al servidor, solo funciona en servidor local

Review Left On 04/21/2022
How can insert a video in background? We have problems because the video is only working 1ms, the sound is working well but the background is just black

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hello, I need that when the recpacha was not marked an error message is shown.
At this time, it is indicated that the email was sent, without correcting that, the php function was modified but I can not find how to pass the new message, either error or success.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hello author, I have a question. Is it possible to have an element already enabled / open when a user lands on the page? For example, right now a user has to click the newsletter icon/button to subscribe, is it possible to already have that button clicked or the newsletter form open when users land on the page? Thank you!

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Adquiri la plantilla Futura, Estoy utilizando el Index 4, al momento de visualizar en la nube no carga el video, el reloj de la cuenta regresiva no se visualiza en tamaño como esta en la plantilla…. Por favor necesito ayuda…. Mil Gracias

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hello Friend
I bought the Parallax version
I do not understand how I can modify the text, 3 photos, and the chronometer for six more months
Could you tell me the correct thing please?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hello Madeon08,
when I tried to install the them, it’s failed and i got this message “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.”. can you help me please.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi, i have purchase you PHLY-V25, can you give me advice of how to fully use your template, can you please give us the full beginner guideline.
Waiting for you reply, Thank you so much.

Review Left On 05/13/2022
Hello dear developer,
I bought your future landing page, and i have trouble with configuring index number 4 with a youtube video. Can you help me in configuring this ?
I added the URL link as it written in the documentation, but you wrote that a youtube plugin is needed. I am using ubuntu 16. with ngix server.
Can you help me?
Thank you!

Review Left On 07/18/2022
Hello Radu!
Thanks a lot for having chosen Future
The plugin is attached with the template so, you shouldn’t have anything to do else, can you send me a link to the place you uploaded your files to see what’s wrong?
Best regards