Eco.Recycling – A Multipurpose Template Eco Recycling – is a unique, multipurpose template which enables you to create almost unlimited amount of different and unique page layouts. The template relates to ecology and recycling. It is suitable for any agency or individual that wants to inform and notify others about recycling and what is good for environment. Features 4 Different Versions 6 Different Color Variations 7 Different Home Pages In Each Version E-commerce Boxed View Rainy Background Font Awesome Icons 100+ Shortcodes Smooth Scrolling Video Breadcrumb Video Banner Working PHP Contact Form Fully Responsive template Mega Menu with icons... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hi kamleshyaday, Love the theme but I am having a problem getting it onto the Joomla site. It gives an error when trying to upload and install. It says “Warning
JInstaller: :Install: Can’t find XML setup file.” “Error Unable to find install package”. What am I doing wrong? I am on Joomla 3.6.5. Thanks GBMicros

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Purchased today and unable to download. I see a message link has expired.
Kindly help to resolve.

Review Left On 04/16/2022
What are the differences between this theme and the WooCommerce version? only support for this plug-in? Is documentation really available or is there only support by e-mail?
Ontheway Coming Soon Responsive HTML5 Template
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Zamad - Personal Blog Theme
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Guru | Learning Management WordPress

Review Left On 04/20/2022
How can I keep this slide video in loop? It stops then I see the black background? div class=”tp-caption tp-fade fullscreenvideo tp-videolayer” data-x=”0” data-y=”0” data-speed=”300” data-start=”500” data-easing=”Power3.easeInOut” data-elementdelay=”0.1” data-endelementdelay=”0.1” data-videowidth=”100%” data-videoheight=”100%” data-forceCover=”1” data-dottedoverlay=”twoxtwo” data-aspectratio=”16:9” data-videoposter=”images/main_slider/video-background-slideshow-poster.jpg” data-videowebm=”images/main_slider/media/video-eco-recycling.webm” data-videomp4=”images/main_slider/media/video-eco-recycling.mp4” data-videoloop=”loop” data-endspeed=”300” data-autoplay=”true” data-autoplayonlyfirsttime=”false” style=”z-index: 2;”

Review Left On 04/23/2022
How do I change the contact form? Where do i put in my email address? Can you show me where on the ajaxmail.php form. Thank you

Review Left On 04/26/2022
i want to buy the theme i like the design but i have a multi questions 1- if the theme support RTL language 2- which multi lang plugins is the best for the theme

Review Left On 05/06/2022
I want to give you some feedback. The contact form configuration – people may want to add some fields besides what you have in there – but there is no information on that at all. I won’t say a word about variable naming conventions in the ajaxmail.php. Read a book called “Clean Code” and see what troubles you can run into naming your stuff like that especially when you work on bigger projects. You contact form message is hardcoded and not easy for an average user to use. It is sad to see the quality of the code – is very poor. You make people work by having it written and structured like that. Not me – I wrote my own – but other people who buy your stuff will run into this I guarantee you that. Overall the theme looks great.

Review Left On 06/06/2022
Have kamleshyadav looked your template in ipad, android native browser and any iphone series?
Because of that template’s parallax fx & layout doesn’t work correctly! If you look home version 3 (parallax) you’ll see the contents not centered (landscape and potraid i saw) and a lot of iframe doesn’t seems correct(positioning)
And mobile version’s nav menu opens very slow. It looks like a mistake. I wanna buy this template but not with that mistakes. Can you fix?

Review Left On 06/10/2022
Love the layout, especially the rainy day page. I cannot seem to be able to change the background photo, however. I changed it in the custom.js file and everywhere else I think it could be, but, I getting a broken link instance. I know the direct URL is correct, and when I tried the direct path in the folder and neither is working.
The direct URL is
and the direct path is ../images/rainy-day-header.jpg
What could I be missing. (sorry, I don’t have the page up yet, still working on it.)

Review Left On 06/12/2022
Hello, could you please update this template the same way you have it in wordpress? I like how you have it in wordpress, but I need it in html, thanks

Review Left On 08/09/2022
For those having problems with Google fonts not rendering, just add the following line to style.css, right before the first @font-face:
@import url(|Oswald);
Worked for me, for now…

Review Left On 08/11/2022
I have purchased this item, but the Eco.Recycling index page hangs on IE11, continuing to display the intro spinner icon (both local and online, i.e. on :’-(