Marvel is a Responsive E-Commerce HTML5/CSS3 Template. Marvel can be used for any eCommerce needs So the concept of Marvel is simple, and balmy looking, but still constitutes sufficient features of an e-commerce site with products, carts, ajax search,… We believe this will deliver an ideal shopping destination to your customers. If you like the theme, please don’t forget rate it . It really helps me a lot, thank you very much! CHANGELOGS: Version 1.4 – 2015.03.19 + Fixed small bug + Updated contact page + Updated product grid masonry Version 1.3 – 2015.03.10 + Added: Manufacturers, color, size filter for shop product sidebar Version 1.2 – 2015.02.05 + Added Home 6 Version 1.1 – 2015.01.07 + Added Home 5... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hello, then you by this template does it have bootstrap.css separately from template customised css? Can bootstrap.css easily upgraded? Thank you

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Yes, they are all solved already.
Sure we will support you all you needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us when you have any problem.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Can I buy your html code (extend version) to develop my theme and sell it on themeforest? And shall I receive a purchase code and use it when I upload my theme to themeforest?
SNS Twen - Responsive Magento Theme
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Blitz 404

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi, I want to buy. Looks great!
But I read a lot of problems….. are they solved now?
Question: Can you help me after I bought your template with placing a YOYTUBE video in the BLOG full width?
Would be GREAT!
Thanx …. waiting for replay pls

Review Left On 05/03/2022
I’ve recently purchase the HTML template and I have a concern over the Bootstrap configuration. I notice that your css/theme.css has most if not all of the bootstrap.css styles hard-coded into it. Does this not make upgrading to a newer version of Bootstrap difficult? Can you explain whether I am able to just directly include a hosted version of bootstrap.css as well as the bootstrap.js file(s)?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi- I just purchased your Marvel HTML5 template, and I’m wondering what is the best way to plug in my content? Is there a cms or text editor that is preferred? I’m using dreamweaver just to take a peek at the code. I’m able to edit images, but when I click on them, the href tags are empty and I’m unsure of what page to point them to, can you help me out?

Review Left On 07/23/2022
Hi Pixelgeeklab, I have enjoed a lot using yours template very usefully, clear code and stuffed with fuetured.
Are you thinking to update it?
I will very happy thnks