Asa is a creative, modern, minimal and fully responsive coming soon/under construction template suitable for any creative business agency. Features Responsive Design Bootstrap 4.5.2 Compatible 33+ HTML template files SCSS files UI Kit – Reusable components, Modern UI 9 Background Styles – Image Background – Image and Color Background – Slideshow Background – Kenburns Background – Slide Background – HTML5 Video Background – Animated Gradient Background – Solid Color Background – Light Color Background W3C Valid HTML Mailchimp Integrated AJAX Subscription Form AJAX Contact Form Lightbox Gallery +945 icons – Font Aweso... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hey. I have this problem on the mobile version of the website after the switch sections as soon as I touch the screen it throws off the main tell me how to fix it.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
i have 2 simple questions please.
(1) how do i remove the blue purchase button on the left hand side of the page
(2) how do i push my logo over to the right hand side of the screen. I have tried this but it has not worked.
.site-header .header-brand a.logo {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: 0;
padding-right: 80px;

Review Left On 05/27/2022
I have a few questions about using this on mobile sites.
1. The ASA logo instead of my logo shows up on my iPhone. How do i fix this?
2. My “Mission” page is all squashed up. Is it possible to have it show like it is on a desktop browser and show it like my “Service” page on the iPhone
3. The footer text is showing on 2 lines with a huge gap between the lines. Can this be reduced to just a single line gap
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Review Left On 06/19/2022
Two more questions…
1. Is it possible to specify a different static background image for each section.
2. Can I add a slider image box to one of the sections so that i have a slideshow of smaller images on the page.

Review Left On 07/21/2022
Hello, i saw a problem on mobile (Safari and Chrome too), when you click on a different “page” after few second it retourn outomatically on the home..
It would be fixed?

Review Left On 09/19/2022
don’t worry i managed to figure it out. i just set the date/time in ”/js/main.js” to a date in the future and the countdown timer appeared