Theme Builder Regarding the frequent question where to find the full version of our themebuilder here’s a quick explanation: In the download you?ll see a folder called ?Themebuilder? open it and click on the link to get access to the full unlocked themebuilder. Note: The Themebuilder files aren’t included, the download includes a link which gives you access to the Themebuilder. Update request? We are people who love to improve their work, please give us some feedback if you have a great idea to improve this theme with an update (ie. a certain element you miss), it?ll be great to hear from you! Version 1.0: Januari 12, 2015: - Template release Features A link to our ThemeBuilder Export to desktop Change background image / pattern... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Nice template, but the ms ie 9 exceptions urls for some background images dont get updated automatically. Also wouldve liked to see a boxed layout option, like in the live preview

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Not fully compatible with Outlook (2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013).
If the image sizes are too small, they will repeat in Outlook. HTML needs a change fill type=”tile” to fill type=”frame”

Review Left On 05/04/2022
A pre-sale questions
1- related to the themebuilder
Is it possible to increase the height of the header for exemple (my logo is “portrait layout”
2- related of your products
I understand that you don’t templates of newsletter and I have to create it.
You have many products (unity, destinity …). What are the differences between your products if you don’t provide templates?
Best regards
Visual - eCommerce PSD Template
Leo Moonsun Multiple Shop
SuperNews - Ultimate WordPress Magazine Theme
Infinity Flat One Page HTML Template
Perfume - eCommerce Shop PSD Template

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Thinking of buying this template and would like to know about Outlook compatibility (2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013).

Review Left On 06/08/2022
Hi team,
Very nice work, but i’m a little disappointed because i expected to export a HTML with framed content as your builder. ( with the blue-gray background ). Exactly as your demo.
Do you have a simple way to wrap mailing content in a div ( with a max-width as your demo ) and keep responsive capabilities ?
Thank you very much,
Best regards,

Review Left On 06/15/2022
i have spent 7 hours designing writing content into this template and since there is no logical save button, and with a stupid back browser my entire day wor 7 hours is disappeared and trying to go back again loads this stupid default template.
this is the most horrible system to be sold in this market with no documentation that’s says there is no save button, and DO NOT hi back button.
i will recommend everyone to stay away from this product.
i am so pist and angry

Review Left On 06/23/2022
It’s a great template – thanks!
I’m working on my first email campaign with Mail Chimp and I have some challanges:
1. The header image is not centered in two mail clients (gmail, outlook 2013 – i have not checked in others). It is not centered even in default template exported without changes.
Any hints?
2. In Gmail, before clicking to download header image, i can see background color – thanks to it i can see the title, which is good workaroung.
In outlook however i can see nothing until the button on header image – any hints how to add fall back backround to header image for outlook clients?

Review Left On 07/28/2022
Is it fully responsive (100% gradual adaptation to any format) or it “jumps” from formato to format?
Does the responsive feature work for native iOS and Android emails?
Does the responsive feature work for major webmail providers (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo), in browser and in their mobile apps, for iOS and Android?
Do background images work for major webmail providers (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo), in browser and in their mobile apps, for iOS and Android?

Review Left On 09/04/2022
Congratulations, very beautiful theme and very easy to use.
Everything is working perfectly with Gmail. But the background images are not displayed on Outlook and Hotmail (I have a black background instead). Do you know why? Is there something I can change in the HTML code to display the images on Outlook and Hotmail?
Kind regards,