15Zine | Magazine Newspaper Blog News WordPress Theme
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15Zine v3.3+ is Compatible with: WordPress 5.8, PHP 8.0, Gutenberg, WooCommerce 5.7+, etc. Important: If upgrading from 15Zine v3.2.2 or older, ensure to read the documentation’s update section to learn how to smoothly update to v3.3 Real sites that use 15Zine Magazine Theme 2021 Yury – http://www.yury.it/ Shut Up And Yoga– https://shutupandyoga.com/ Puske – http://www.puske.lt/ Renchlist – https://www.renchlist.com/ One On One Music – https://oneononemusic.co.uk/ Finest Automotive – https://www.finestautomotive.com/ Visual Cult Magazine – https://visualcultmagazine.com/ 15Zine WordPress Magazine / Newspaper theme for 2020 15Zine is a cutting edge WordPress magazine theme created for 2020 and beyond. 15Zine is a ridiculously ver... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Some older posts hero image has been reset and is not displaying the global option, we had this issue before and it has come back, this plugin does not give the options to fix it anymore https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-field-bulk-editor/ + we have tried resetting migration options, can you please advise

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hey Leemarr,
Same as Valenti – A new update will be out soon, but it’s focusing on fixing bugs and general improvements. The new gallery options will come in the v4 update.

Review Left On 04/19/2022
I´m looking for a theme magazine that support the primary category to be displayed int he the thumbail image, even if multiple categories have been selected.
I use elementor pro.
Is your theme works this way? Thanks.
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Review Left On 04/24/2022
Strange behavior of the built-in Mediaplayer for videos, when using smartphones with high resolution:
As I’m using the 15Zine Website www.wasmitreisen.com mainly as media-library for my tv-travel-show, I realized a kind of bug today after buying the iPhone 13pro. When you click the video-PLAY Button within a post and the mediaplayer comes up and you start the video – even after clicking on the expand-symbol in the lower right corner, the mediaplayer is not able to show the film fullscreen, when you turn the iPhone 90° clockwise into landscape mode. It remains centered in a portrait-mode style. Which is of course not acceptable for a tv library. Nobody wants to watch a film in such a small player-window. Fascinating: with all older iPhones (my last is iPhone XR) this problem does not appear. As soon as I turn the iPhone XR into landscape, the player will follow and present the film fullscreen. Could you please please check your programming of the mediaplayer, so that it also serves the better displays with higher resolution of the new iPhone Generation!?

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hey there, I have major problems since updating my 15zine theme this morning:
1) The Hero Design module for the homepage has moved to the bottom of the page, just above latest posts, and I can’t move it back. Is this a bug? I’ve been trying for hours…
2) On Posts there is no longer any space between the bottom of YouTube videos and text. It looks terrible. Another bug?
3) It seems I also need to add all the photo galleries back into Posts, and I have 5 years worth of them. Is that correct? Who has time for this?!
This is a nightmare and my magazine is currently offline while I try and fix everything… has anyone had these problems and been able to fix them?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello, is there a known issue with Chrome in that the sticky sidebar overlaps the footer at the bottom of the page?

Review Left On 05/15/2022
Will this theme work with either the Fourth Estate (https://wordpress.org/plugins/fourth-estate-newswire-publisher/) or Reuters (https://wordpress.org/plugins/reuters-direct/) plugins?

Review Left On 05/18/2022
1. The logo is not showing on mobile homepage. It show on other page you can check it at 971life.com
2. Google Is asking me to Install AMP. I Installed one but it was Incompatible with 12 plugins. Can you please recommend AMP that is compatible with your theme?

Review Left On 05/18/2022
I’ve had some issues with the 15zine theme, where I was using an older version of the theme. I decided to update the theme to the current version, which fixed some of the issue, but added a few new ones.
One of the issues is regarding widgets, where I can’t add new or do changes, because the settings are without any ‘style’. I noticed if I disable 15Zine Engine and enables 15Zine – Functionality the widgets are working normally.
My other issue is that I can’t use some of the old features in the widgets as I could before – I’m not totally sure if it was a widget feature or something else, but I can’t seem to find it anymore. The problem is regarding showing recent posts with the layout of some of the built-in layouts from this theme.
I’ve tried disabling all plugins and I’ve used the Migration Tools without any changes.

Review Left On 08/25/2022
I’ve migrated to from 3.2. However the title of my old posts does not follow the Post Hero Design selected. It is stretched across the width over the sidebar, BUT I want it to be on the left block, above the content only. I tried using the Custom Field Bulk Editor but it alters just a limited number of posts and not my over 8000+ posts. I don’t want to do this manually. What can be done to make this change?

Review Left On 08/30/2022
what I just mentioned… Although in THEME OPTIONS / POSTS / EXTRA ELEMENTS the checkboxes to display two direct share-button for the post on Facebook and Twitter are enabled green, they have disappeared on the website. Not only for new posts… They have been gone away from all old post pages… Is this a bug?

Review Left On 09/02/2022
VERSION is the current version is this current … still looking for the gallery to include a slider counter is this gonna happen soon …

Review Left On 09/03/2022
I need to add a link that opens text contents of a div in a modal pop-up. Previously I could do this with boxer, which was an included JS library of the theme, but it seems to have been removed. Is there a way I can add this feature in the latest version without adding another library?
For an example, please click the “Disclosures” link at the top of this page, which is running a very old version of the theme: https://thriftynomads.com/booking-cheapest-flight-possible-anywhere/

Review Left On 09/16/2022
For the sections such as “Design” and “Fashion” etc., can you have a link to “see more” so people can see the entire list for that section/category?
I’m looking at the Homepage 4 demo.