Ichiban is a WordPress theme build especially for professional photographers who want to bring their presence online in a sleek, elegant way. Featuring a clean, unique, elegant design and typography, Ichiban is guaranteed to bring a pleasant reading experience to your visitors. Features Breakdown Unique, Responsive Design WordPress 3.9+ Ready Build on Bootstrap 3 SEO plugins Optimized Super Clean and Robust Code WordPress Customizer Integration Handful of commonly used shortcodes Sell anything with WooCommerce Four types of portfolio media Four types of fullscreen gallery Three page sizes (half, medium, large) Blog Post Formats Advanced Page Builder Translation Ready (.po/.m... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I love your template, great job !
how do I make a full right part of the home page, with the portfolio under, like it is on your preview ?
And how do I get rid of the Ichiban logo when i scroll down on my mobile ?
Thank you.

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi, my client have been notified about weird “Trojan” things related to the theme today: “themes/ichiban/assets/js/ichiban.global-plugins.js?ver=1.0”
Any idea?

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Best template design
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Review Left On 04/18/2022
To everybody who wants to buy this template, be careful this template doesn’t support last version of Woo commerce. The Author didn’t make any updates for long time now (even if he said he will do that…almost 1 year I’m waiting for an update and nothing coming. I bought this template but I will have to change now!

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I have recently purchased the IchiBan theme (here is my number : 77def526-ded3-4f81-b733-818a6f7339aa ) and I’m very happy with it for now. Nevertheless, I have changed the Site Frontpage Inverted Logo with mine but it never appears. There is still the IchiBan Inverted Logo instead of mine. It seems I do not have any possibilities to substitute the IchiBan inverted logo by my own inverted logo.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you very much

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hello—I have been using the Ichiban theme for a few years now (love it). However, it seems that it is not keeping pace with Wordpress and other updates. As a result, am receiving error messages that appear on my public site (the less.php file, to be exact).
Any plans to update the files to be compatible?

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I’m doing a new website with your beautiful theme and I would like to know two things :
- is it possible to change the white background of the text side for a grey tone as well as the title color (only white or dark grey offered).
- is it possible to see all the portfolios entries without using the “load more” button ?
Many thanks for your answers.
Best regards, Eleonore

Review Left On 06/03/2022
Hello, this is Kiyomi from Japan.
I have installed the theme.
I would like to download and view the demo page.
Could you tell me how?

Review Left On 09/19/2022
I love the Ichiban Theme and have used it for many years already.
I just have one little issue, The logo of “Ichiban Photography” appears on my mobil when scrolling down on my website (www.stefanbackes.com). Initially when page opens my logo sits in upper left corner of screen, but then when scrolling down it changes to Ichiban logo. How can I keep my logo on the page all the time?
I do have a Purchase code from when I bought the theme on Envato Market. Let me know if you want me to send it!
Big thanx for at great product!!!
Stefan – Sweden