ESTATO. Responsive Featured Real Estate HTML theme
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We did the homework for you! Clean Code: 100% Responsive Layout With Estato every pixel of your site will respond the way it should no matter what the device is (table, iPhone, desktop) Browser Compatibility All our themes \u0026amp; plugins are compatible with the most popular internet browsers. They look perfect no matter who visits them. Retina Ready Estato is retina ready ensuring it will look fantastic on High Resolution displays like the iPad or iPhone retina devices Mega Menu ESTATO supports lightweight and pure CSS megamenu not only working for fixed and responsive layout but also including (almost) any Bootstrap elements!... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
the webpage below – The web form is lightly aligned to the right when it is on mobile device. How to fix it and make it center?

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Great template.
How can i remove the mobile search form on the right?
I have left it blank, but i need to remove it (wrapper on the right), specially when i move with the finger to the left (so i can see the form on the right).

Review Left On 04/27/2022
On the price slider input for the search, is there a way to make it where a user can also just enter a price into the text field instead of using the slider? At the moment, this text input is disabled.
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