Click here to view the Change log About us Construction is a business theme designed specifically for construction, building companies and those that offer building services. The theme comes pre-packed with a drag and drop layout builder (CMS Superhero framework) to ensure you can easily design your website just how you like it. The layout looks beautiful at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. Plus, Construction includes plenty of customization options that allows you to change the visual style of any elements without touching to single line of codes. Construction Header Examples... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Please help. Error after updating all module & drupal 7.59 (latest)
PDOException: SQLSTATE23000: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column ‘back_image’ cannot be null: UPDATE {superhero_block} SET module=:db_update_placeholder_0, delta=:db_update_placeholder_1, animation=:db_update_placeholder_2, duration=:db_update_placeholder_3, back_type=:db_update_placeholder_4, back_image=:db_update_placeholder_5, image_type=:db_update_placeholder_6, parallax_ratio=:db_update_placeholder_7, padding=:db_update_placeholder_8, back_colour=:db_update_placeholder_9, video=:db_update_placeholder_10 WHERE (sbid = :db_condition_placeholder_0) ; Array ( [:db_update_placeholder_0] => block [:db_update_placeholder_1] => 7 [:db_update_placeholder_2] => – None – [:db_update_placeholder_3] => 0.00 [:db_update_placeholder_4] => 0 [:db_update_placeholder_5] => [:db_update_placeholder_6] => 0 [:db_update_placeholder_7] => 0.00 [:db_update_placeholder_8] => a:2:{i:0;s:2:”40”;i:1;s:2:”40”;} [:db_update_placeholder_9] => [:db_update_placeholder_10] => [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 14 ) in superhero_block_animation_submit() (line 236 of /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/custom/superhero_framework/modules/superhero_block/superhero_block.module).

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Does the latest update (December 12, 2018) include an upgrade for the superhero_block module?

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi, I purchased the Drupal 7 theme. I’m having an issue with the Superhero block module. The media module has been recently updated to 7.x.-2.21. I tried updating a block on my homepage and received an error message starting with “PDO Expection: SQLSTATE23000: Integrity constraint violation.” I would like to get support for this issue. Thanks!
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Review Left On 06/01/2022
Hi, i just bought your theme, installed the demo, was trying to update Drupal core to 7.61 but update.php redirects me to a 404 page for some reason, any idea why? Also, i can create new accounts but i cant update admin password?

Review Left On 06/19/2022
Will this theme work under the most recent secure drupal version – drupal 7.58? I am thinking of buying but will only buy if secure. I find that sometimes themes on Themeforest break when uupdated to the most recent secure version of drupal.

Review Left On 08/30/2022
Hi, I’ve purchased another 6 months of support but I am not able to create a ticket on your support site with the license key that is provided. How can I get in touch to get some help with an issue we’re having?

Review Left On 09/19/2022
Hi, yes
Our theme working fine with Drupal 7.58
Thanks for your submission