FEATURES: Awesome Infographics One-pager and Multi-pager Retina Ready icons Infinite Scroll Gallery Isotope Gallery Ajax Gallery Unlimited Header Options Swipe Menu for Mobile Devices Different Menu and Page Header Combinations Twitter Live — you can automatically show a stream of tweets (PHP required), uses latest Twitter API Working contact form and newsletter Built with Bootstrap 3 (Mobile First) Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Design 400+ Font Awesome Icons included Lightbox preview .LESS files included Clear class naming convention CHANGELOG: CREDITS: Framework: Twitter Bootstrap Scripts: jQuery Slick Slider Demo images are not included... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hi Guys!!,
i send email via contact form and i get this…
ΠληκτÏολογήστε το όνομα σας: test
ΠληκτÏολογήστε το email σας: [email protected]
ΤηλÎφωνο: 2108989777
Το μήνυμα απαιτείται: test message!
Why this happened pls?

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hi i have a problem with emails
When i receive an email from contact form there is a Header with large fonts “undefined:
Wher can i find it and how to change the fonts ?
Thank you

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi Awesome Support Team,
how can i add a second marker in google maps?
I have already open a ticket.
Pls its abit urgent
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Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi Support, I wish to change the preloader. Where is this file located ? or how do I change this ?

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Please provide the url to page where you can see this problem. I’ve checked our demo in Internet Explorer and didn’t find any issues.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
How i change the height of the slider.. i see the slick settings but i cannot find where and in what file i change it!

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I cant find a way to use the blue boat template I keep getting red for some reason and none of the images are working.

Review Left On 05/24/2022
Hi, I have issues with UTF-8 characters. For exapmle ě,š,č,ř,ž,ý,á,í and so on.. The font is not really friendly with this. Is there a way I can change the font?

Review Left On 05/25/2022
Hi, i change the longtiude and latitude from init.js but the map still remain the same, why?
Pls help fix the google map pointer issue.
From init.js, i change it but nothing happened.
Pls go here… http://tinyurl.com/kpebxst

Review Left On 06/25/2022
HI, two questions pls…
1. the gallery is nice but you must open each picture to see and it should have the ability when you open one image to be able with arrows to go to the next image and so on.
2. in gallery how can i add link to each image to open to another page?
Thanks in advanced,