This is a theme made by TouchSize, a well-known premium themes and plugin creator The company is a leading WordPress developer that always looks for quality and beautiful aesthetics along with excellent options and settings. Not only it offers Premium WordPress Themes, but also offers great and quality support for their users and customers. If you are interested in using true quality and premium WordPress themes, you should check our website. Front-end simple user login: User: demo Password: demouser Slimvideo is responsive It just looks good on any device, from big desktop monitors to small smartphone screens. Slimvideo is... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
I have some few presale questions :
I want to make a video membership website where members have access to streaming video.
and i’ll doesn”t need the buddypress plugin and the community option (profile etc…).
Is it possible to do that with this theme ?
Thank you for your feedback

Review Left On 04/13/2022
hello i have two questions before i buy the theme!
1. am i able to edit the users profile and what it contains. for example, i want to move the “videos” tab show show first instead of the “activity” tab. also i may want to remove some tabs from the user profile and only display whichever ones i want.
2. is there a way that i make a specific template for the users submissions to follow. for example, i want them to display only images, then a summary at the bottom and then maybe add a couple of tabs showing other information in each tab.

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Do you have a plugin with similar features available. I purchased the theme and it is great but for another site a plugin would be more useful.
Lozastore- Multipurpose Responsive OpenCart Themes
Contractor – Construction, Building Company Theme
Night | Cocktail Bar / Cafe Bootstrap Template
The Portfolio - Creative Muse Template
SCRN - Responsive Parallax Joomla Template

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hello, we are considering purchasing your theme for a client and we have a few questions. 1.) Is your theme able to gate specific/all videos until a person purchases a subscription to access them via woocommerce?

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Please can I also allow user to upload Audio apart from Upload Video and also options for people to download the audio and video?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
The problem was fixed a while ago from what we know. If you have any issues with this, please report them on our help desk.
Thank you.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Broken on php7
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; widget_most_liked has a deprecated constructor in
slimvideo/includes/widgets/most-liked.php on line 2

Review Left On 05/04/2022
My client bought this theme. I want to disable the video uploader and only the video embedder should work. How can we fix this?
and the video pre-roll advertisement isn’t working on mobile devices.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
For some of the homepages in the demo, it has categories such as “featured articles” as well as categories that relate to video. Does the theme support both articles and videos being displayed?

Review Left On 05/18/2022
Hi, I want to use this theme on my website! Please give me some Discount, Thanks

Review Left On 05/26/2022
I’m interested in this theme! I am wanting to start a community portal that is based on a specific category/channels of YOUTUBE videos that will be embedded in the site!
a] Is this possible to embed videos from certain users from youtube eg. if youtube username is myusernamevidz can I make a User on the theme where I can embed ONLY myusernamevidz videos so the Blog users can search for Videos just from this User?
b] Can I make FEATURED Videos that are displayed at the TOP oif each Blog Page? (like Sponsored) Videos, that Youtube Members can PAY to have their Video’s be FEATURED using WooCommerce?
c] This is a Food Blog that only will contain Videos from Youtube & manually uploaded by Admin, but each Video Publisher has their own ‘Membership Profile’ on the Wordpress Blog. Can the Theme count how many times a Video has been viewed, to make it a ‘POPULAR’ Video etc?
So far this is what I need, so the Membership System on the Theme is presented like a proper Portal that has advanced Portal Features…. Popular Videos, Vido Count, Sponsored (Paid) Video Placement, FEATURED Videos (which has a Sponsored ‘TAG’ & listed at the top of the pages(s) above ALL videos

Review Left On 06/04/2022
Hi there,
I have some presales questions. I wonder if you can help me with?
1. On the homepage. Is it possible to feature a video instead of the slider?
2. Is it possible that all the videos on the site play on the page where they are. In other words, the user does not go to another page or post to view the video? I am wondering if embedding them would allow this to happen.
3. On the timeline feature. Is it possible to put videos, instead of images in the timeline and that will also play directly on that page.
4. Is it possible for users to download pdf’s from the time line or antwhere else on the site.
5. In the top navigation bar. The drop down menu under ‘homepage’ is not working properly on mobile and desktop. is this an issue with the demo/preview?
Many thanks

Review Left On 08/22/2022
I have a pre-sales question. I like the layout of the theme. My question is: Does this theme support embedded videos from YouTube or Vimeo or does it support only self-hosted video content?