Groovy is a AngularJs music app template. Built using AngularJs and Bootstrap it provides a fully usable music app with user’s playlist functionality, Albums, Artists, users profile pages, sign in pages, front page and a lot more. Groovy is built to be adapted to your needs and data is fetched already using HTTP request simulating a cloud based environment, all you need to change is the endpoint for where to get the data from. Just point to your server and your done! The theme uses Bootstrap so its easy to customize, using all best practices of good sass for building css (SMACSS). It also comes with Grunt and bower for managing dependencies. Feature list : AngularJS Angular media player for fully functional playlist... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
hello i want buy this template but before buying i want to discuss something about template so email me [email protected]

Review Left On 04/23/2022
pre buying questions. this theme’s backend work?
2. How can we upload songs to this?
3. is this theme have a wordpress version?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
how does your script work, from where does he take the music?
you can connect music to the script from soundcloud?
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Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi there, I wonder that this theme use angular-media-player and it seems to me that the angular-media-player is deprecated. So would it fine for that? another question is could we integrate angular-soundmanager2 instead of angular-media-player? Thanks for answering.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
One thing I have been thinking about is redoing it on angular2 and integrate a backend with Drupal. But really I cant say if or even when that would happen.
I really don’t have much time at the moment unfortunately otherwise I would love to do it;P

Review Left On 06/28/2022
C:\Users\Hidden\Downloads\Groovy>bower install
bower invalid-meta The “name” is recommended to be lowercase, can contain digits, dots, dashes
bower angular#^1.5.3 ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH

Review Left On 07/26/2022
Do I get to upload the songs that I’ll want to be on this app? Or please update me on how it works

Review Left On 08/05/2022
can you make like an admin panel where we can upload the songs/albums ….would help you increase the sales as well…..

Review Left On 08/05/2022
I can’t seem to get the autoplay function to work in the song list section. It works when you click ‘Play All’ but not when you click play on a single song. Can you help with this please?

Review Left On 08/12/2022
i want to build a music engine with your theme, using soundcloud’s api.
How i can intergrate sc api with your theme?
Btw, nice theme, love it!

Review Left On 09/21/2022
hello is there any coming up update feature like Video page, buy menu or cart and any Update on Angular 2