About Revolution Revolution Muse template is your Ultimate Tool to create any website you can imagine. It includes all sections and pages which you can combine to build your own dream Muse Website. And if all included elements aren’t enough, Revolution includes additional page with Extra Elements that contains loads of additional custom designed sections. Read on and see all amazing features this Muse Template offers. Revolution is a professional Adobe Muse Multipurpose Template with Clean and Modern design and hundreds of custom features and pages. It’s easy to use and comes with all the latest features Muse can offer plus custom features some of which are unique to our theme like custom CSS Animations, SnazzyMaps, Font Awesome icons... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hi classified 514 and thank you for purchasing Revolution,
Yes, there are instructions that you downloaded with the template. To launch the documentation please open the “_DOCUMENTATION – OPEN THIS FIRST!” folder and double-click on “DOUBLE-CLICK TO OPEN DOCUMENTATION” html file.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Purchase code: 93b01af9-a3b1-4e97-ad7a-b1f7e9accd51
Hello, I’m looking for help on my Muse! So I bought that template and have completely no idea how to change the logo or even change the YouTube video in the template. Do you have any specific instructional videos I could learn to adapt myself to the template? Thank you.

Review Left On 06/05/2022
I am using the video version and I am getting an error saying flash is no longer supported by Youtube for embed’s, do you have an update code ?
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