Plus - One Page Marketing Portfolio WordPress Theme
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Plus is a new Simple WordPress Theme designed and developed for people who want to expose their personal Projects, Photographs . Has an design ultra-simple, modern, intuitive and ready for mobile devices. It is easy to use for customer doesn’t know programming. Visual and easy to manager. All features - 8 homes slider - Allow choose layout for each page/post - Allow choose menu for each page/post - Allow choose menu position for each page/post - Available Dark/Light version - Unlimited color - Support Multi Page - Sample data include - Support custom post type: work and feature section - Free Visual Composer ($33) - Free Slider Revolution ($18) - Compatible with WPML - Working Contact Form 7 - .po, .mo include - Theme Options -... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Is there a way of removing the three menu stripes on mobile version. I have no menu running but still get the menu stripes. Tablet and desktop are fine.

Review Left On 04/11/2022
When I am installing Visual Composer below error is coming.
Could not copy file. js_composer/locale/js_composer-cs_CZ.po

Review Left On 04/15/2022
We are getting a problem whenever we ad a new item to the menu the link on the item gets removed after saving. Kindly advise.
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Review Left On 04/22/2022
Good day.
I’ve installed theme and imported demo content. The website looks fine like a demo. But when i try to edit pages or posts I have a problems with WPBakery Page Builder.
Works posts don’t work too. So I can’t utilise your theme.
The documentation is incorrect. It describes working with a Visual Composer, not with WPBakery Page Builder.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
hi , it´s pretty hard to get the page run – try to install the demo for the video background etc. doesn’t work properly – any idea how i can get the demo content & install for the video background example you show on themeforest?

Review Left On 04/28/2022
A nice design but poor documentation and support. I purchased the ‘extended support.’ Very disappointing.

Review Left On 05/09/2022
Do I still need to communicate to buy Visual Composer and Slider Revolution ?
if i need buy again, i think the theme is nothing.

Review Left On 09/03/2022
Hi, It is default color of theme. You can add your css with !important to override like
.hi-icon {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #000000!important;

Review Left On 09/07/2022
Hello! Help. With Chrome the navigation menu does not work. Chrome says the smothscroll.js file is no longer supported, “what’s your solution?”

Review Left On 09/14/2022
Hi, I am having an issue changing the colour of the ‘icon hi-icon-effect’ it remains yellow and cannot change from the Style in the editor.

Review Left On 09/21/2022
Visual Composer and Slider Revolution plugin send to me latest version thank you