New Updates – 27th January 2017 1. Compatible with latest Bootstrap 2. Updated some sample data 3. Updated codebase reducing file sizes Pasha HTML Template is design which is ideal as it is for minimalist creative agency sites, portfolio or photographer’s. The template comes with 10 homepage design, custom color schemes and 32 valid HTML files. The design is very elegant and modern, and also very easy to customize with 1170px grid. We hope so you will feel happy with them. The Pasha template comes with super awesome color scheme but you can build your own color combinations with our custom.css file. Also the Pasha supported professional slider, custom menus (normal and left side) and HTML5 CSS3 technology! Bu... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/21/2022
I’ve uploaded the theme to my host, and I can’t figure out how to get the font-awesome/glyphicons to show.
I added our URL to the href=”” and that hasn’t found the font either.
The second issue is the contact box in the navbar pop up (at the top), I know I entered the contact.php correctly. The main contact form at the bottom of the index page is working, but I can’t get the navbar pop up form to work. It just refreshes the page.
Thank you for your assistance.

Review Left On 04/23/2022
If I choose the left menu layout, is the left menu consistent throughout? It won’t switch to a top menu?

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Great work! I am having trouble with the map (i do not know where to put my address) so the map updates to my location, can you help?
Travel WordPress Theme - GoExplore!
Mocha: Clean Blog & Portfolio Theme
Constructor | Construction WordPress
Bookshelf | Books & Media Online Store WordPress Theme
Somnus - Yoga & Fitness Studio Template + Builder

Review Left On 06/23/2022
Hi, how customizable is this? I like the left side navigation home page, can i get rid of the shadow, border and ultimately the white background of the menu to just have a menu that is transparent? thanks!!

Review Left On 07/06/2022
Hello, great theme! Very lovely. I have one question. Where can I increase the height of the footer?

Review Left On 07/30/2022
Hello. The template works really well for me except one thing – the 1920 pixel images in the slider on the home page are cropped on the phone which also crops off the arrows to control the slider. These same images placed elsewhere on the site do not get cropped. The images themselves are exactly 1920 pixels wide. Can you hep me with this? Thank you.

Review Left On 09/03/2022
When scrolling down the content snaps/jumps. I think this is due to the affix in boot strap. is there a way to turn this off?

Review Left On 09/26/2022
hello again..
I try to explain it, sorry very but english…
I buy your template PASHA… if I open the file index-boxed.html and scroll down, an arrow on the right is showing up “backtotop”
But my problem is if i open any other file from your template for example index.html and scroll down the arrow is not coming I dont know why?
Could you help me?
best regards