Mocha, a simple, minimal and clean Ghost theme for writer and photographer. It comes in two styles: Basic blog style for storytelling blog, and grid style for photo-centric blog with Perfectly calibrated typography for each layout. Demo: Blog version | Portfolio version Features Available in two styles, Portfolio and Blog. Perfect for all kind of blog. Ghost 2.0 ready Responsive layout. Serve an optimised version of the theme to your visitors on tablet and mobile devices. Instagram feed support. Display your latest photos from Instagram. Flickr feed to help you displaying your latest Flickr photos on sidebar. Disqus comment integration with easy Featured-image support in various aspect ratios for perfect photo display. Built-in share... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Looks nice, but doesn’t pass the Google Mobile Friendly test which is a bit of a downer due to the Google algo changes recently. Also search function isn’t brilliant (yes I know you do say that it doesn’t work perfectly).

Review Left On 06/13/2022
Hi Heybi. Very nice theme ! Just one question : when I look at it on my iPhone, the portfolio version is not quite adjusted. Is this normal? Thanks

Review Left On 09/06/2022
Hi! Thank you for the Mocha theme for Ghost – really love it!
I just installe don the Ghost and have few warning/errors displayed in my browser – do you think you can fix those things to a “default” installation does not result in browser warnings please?
1) Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://...' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ‘,700'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
This is the most annoying one.
2) Mixed Content: The page at ‘' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ‘'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Same as above.
3) Uncaught ReferenceError: YOUR is not defined
at (index):227
It’s in:
var userFeed = new Instafeed({
get: ‘user’,
limit: ‘4’,
accessToken: ‘YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN’ /* * * get your token at * * */
Maybe you can wrap YOUR-USER-ID in quotes as you did for ‘YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN’?
4) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘apply’ of undefined
at masonry.js?v=6cd3b5de1c:10
IDK what’s going one there but would be great if there were no error as well.
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Review Left On 09/16/2022
When trying to upload theme to wordpress, it says that the package is missing the style.css file.